Chapter 3

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Devin had settled into bed a while ago, but a tapping at her window woke her up. She sighed loudly to herself, moving the blankets down from the top half of her body, hoping that it wasn't going to happen again. She stared at the ceiling for a little while longer before another tapping at the window made her throw the blankets off her body as she got out of her warm bed and opened the window. She stepped back and made a small sound of confusion as she watched Alex crawl in. Devin turned to the door and looked at it, she didn't lock it. Why didn't he use it?

"It's four in the morning, what the hell are you doing?" She yawned as she looked at her clock.

"My dude, my buddy, I love you," Alex started.

"What do you want?" She sighed. "You better have a good reason for waking me up at the ass-crack of dawn. I'm not joining your secret cult, Summers." She sat back down on her bed, but he was far too wide awake to care about what she said.

"I need you to pretend we're dating," Alex spoke quickly.

"I'm sorry, did I hear you correctly? Did you ask me to pretend to be your girlfriend?" Devin tilted her head. She was probably far too tired to understand a word he was saying.

"Please, I accidentally may have told Scott that we were dating because I didn't want him to set me up with someone, you're the only one I trust to do this, mainly because you're the only other person involved." Or maybe she did hear correctly. She was too tired for this.

"Do you hear that?" Devin asked. Alex shook his head and tried to listen. "It's the sound of me not caring, go away Alex." She laid back down. "You know where the window is." She pulled the blankets over herself, but Alex yanked them off causing her to groan.

"I'm serious. Can you please just help me? The only thing you have to do is hold my hand every once in a while, you don't have to act differently, just go with it." Devin rolled onto her back before sighing.

"This is a recipe for disaster." He offered her a hopeful smile. "This is without a doubt the most stupidest plan you've ever had." He got up. "Of course I'm in," she mumbled.

"Thank you." He grinned. "Okay, go back to sleep." He walked over to her door with a smile on his face before looking back at her, she was already asleep.


After Devin had woken up at a somewhat normal time, no thanks to Alex's little visit, she quickly washed and brushed her teeth before making her way downstairs to the kitchen. Only Alex was awake, he—once again—didn't have a shirt on, but he did have sweatpants, which she was thankful for, she didn't need to see that much of Alex in the morning. He was facing the coffee machine when she walked in, Devin walked up behind him and gently placed her hand on his back.

Alex jumped, not realising she were there. "Hey," he mumbled.

"Sup, Rapunzel." She yawned while he got an extra cup out for her.

"Thanks for doing this."


"No, the whole pretending thing," he whispered the last part to her, making sure no one else could have heard.

"Summers, relax, we're alone, no need to whisper." She patted his back before he poured her a cup of coffee.

"Just making sure," he replied. "You're cool with this right?" He asked hesitantly.

"We act like we're already married, Alex." She rolled her eyes. "It's no big deal." He huffed.

"You have to promise to be mature about this, I really don't want Scott to find out and set me up on a date, not like last time." He shuddered at the memory of the last date Scott set him up on. Some girl who didn't let him talk, laughed far too loudly at nothing, constantly on her phone waving Alex off as she called her friend on the date, only to talk about another boy she liked. Devin really wasn't sure where Scott picked her from.

JUST PRETEND ↠ ALEX SUMMERS ✔️ [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now