Chapter 4

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Charles and Hank kept pestering Devin about seeing if there were more to her powers than just being able to heal herself. Hank had suggested that maybe it was possible for Devin to be able to somehow heal others, not just herself, and since Charles is all about progressing and learning more about oneself, he was on board with the whole following her around and trying to persuade her, no matter where she was or what she was doing.

"Charles, I swear if you follow me into the bathroom I'm going to shove the soap bar so far down your throat that-"

"No, no, there's no need for that." He smiled kindly at her, he didn't seem to care about the threat she just made, something was up with him. He knew something.

"Okay, but if there's something you wanted to talk to me about-"

"Yes, there is actually-"

"Not involving my mutation." She held up her hand up to stop him from talking, he tried to stop himself from grinning, shifting his weight to one side while trying not to bump into her with his wheelchair as she stopped walking.

"It's not about your mutation, although I would like to discuss that with you in length at some point," he told her.

"Okay, well, I'm going to pee, alone." She pointed at him. "And then we can discuss whatever the hell it is that you seem overly invested in. Deal?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Deal." He nodded back at her. "I'll wait out here." He smiled before Devin walked into the bathroom, locking the door. "I could always talk to you while you're in there you know," she heard him through the door.

"Charles, no girl likes being heard peeing, it's uncomfortable. We'll talk when I'm done."

Charles didn't respond to that and left her to do what she needed. When she was washing her hands the lock on the door unlocked and Charles opened the door. Devin looked at him like he was crazy but he didn't seem to notice.


"Dude!" Devin yelled. "I'm not finished in here." She stood there with the water running over her soapy hands.

"So, about Alex-" Her eyes widened at him.

"Charles, we are not talking about this, and I'm not done in here."

"Technically you're no longer peeing so, yes, you are." She groaned and huffed before continuing to wash her hands, with the new company of Charles and his large wheelchair taking up most of the space in the bathroom. "Hank and myself have come up with an idea on how you can use your ability to heal others, it's a long shot but-" He trailed off a bit as she reached over him to get to the towels to dry her hands. "We think it should work." He finished. Devin placed the towel down on the counter top and stared at the ground.

"Is there a reason why you're so adamant that I learn how to heal others, Charles?" She furrowed her eyebrows as she waited for a response. Devin glanced at him, his mouth kept opening and closing with a nervous puff of laughter. "Say like, I don't know, healing you?" He gave her a small smile.

They both stayed silent for a while, with Charles just looking at her with a blank look on his face. It seemed like he was going over something in his head or talking to someone else. If that was the reason that he wanted her to try this then it wouldn't be a problem. She wanted to be able to help him if he let her. She would be more than happy to heal him if he wanted to be able to walk again.

"No," he breathed out. "It's lovely to know that you thought of me, but that's not what I was implying." He shook his head. Devin could sense that that wasn't entirely true but gave him a small nod anyway before walking out of the bathroom, Charles following her. "I'm talking about missions." Devin slowed down for him to catch up to her side.

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