Joking Around.

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Raph's POV

Y/N always had such funny stories about her family that it sometimes makes me want to meet them "then she leaned in and said 'my quads'" the room erupted with laughter even Splinter was dying. Now spending alone time with Y/N was a whole other game...I don't know why but I feel...normal if that makes sense, we do what all couples do: we watch TV together, we skate the sewers, we exercise together, we play video games, we eat together, we have deep conversations, sometimes even we'll just stare into each others eyes and yes I do get lost in her eyes.

Tonight was different, I couldn't tear my eyes hers as she snuggled up to my plastron "could I help you?" She questioned turning her attention to me "no, why?" "Because you've been gawking at me for this whole time" "n-no, I-" "Raphie" she warned I sighed "yes, I have" "ok... is there something wrong?" She quizzed again as she scooted up my plastron "no, just enjoying my girls company" I say while ruffling up her hair "yea so cute" I say in a murmur "nah but thanks", when Y/N denies my compliments I get a little frustrated.

"So what's we watchin'?" I couldn't answer her, her relays were just... so degrading to herself and then they began to run over and over in my head. "Um... Raphie?" She questioned in a worried tone I snapped then I pounced onto her "ahhh... Raphie!" She screamed out as we went down "if yah deny any of my compliments again, I-I will be forced to give attack... a kiss attack that is".

Your POV

You had no idea what he was talking about 'not accepting his compliments? A-a kiss attack? I won't mind that' he gripped you're wrists and locked them above you're head "umm.. Raphie?" You now were blushing wildly, then he let them go "you will not move yeh hands or yah'll get more" he threaten you, after what seemed like millions of kisses and billions of tickles you became tired and sweaty "had enough, beautiful?" "I'm-" he showed his ticking hand which made you go silent.

You couldn't deny any of Raph's compliments and or any of his brother's compliments, "you really need to stop Y/N" Raphael said "stop what?" "Not accepting our compliments" you sighed "we're you're family, Y/N, please even if you don't believe then please just... as least say 'thanks'" "sorry Raphie... it's just habit, I guess" you say "I know I know" he sighed deeply "sweetheart, kiss attack" he called as he grabbed your face and then began to rapidly kiss you're face.


Your POV

"Leo, come on please, give it back" you called after him, some how he had gotten his hands on you're sketchbook "oh, come on, Y/N please just once?" "No Leo, now come down and give it to me" he jumped to different pipes that made up the Lair's ceiling. "Oh, I'm opening it" "Leo, if you do that I will not talk to you for a year" "ahh the first ones nice, where did you sketch it?" He asked as he hangs upside down from a pipe "on a train, I was going to a meet a friend that I was visiting...could I please have it back now?" You pouted which you knew Leo loved. He continued shuffling though the pages 'when will he find the sketches I did of him?' He pause on a few pages which made you think he had seen the sketches of himself, then going thought the rest of your sketching book.

You knew he had gotten to part of himself because he first stared then he rapidly flipped though the rest of the book which were all Leo sketches, there was silence before he broke it "you...sketched me?" You could feel the red crawl onto your cheeks but you could only nod "there...really good" he chuckled. "Why haven't I caught you at least once? I'm a ninja, I'm supposed to know when someone or anyone is watching me or us" "I guess you were... relaxed" you said which shocked him "in these moment you were with you're family, just hangin' out, you're not on edge" he nods to this "maybe you're right, princess" he wrapped his arms around you're waist then pressed his forehead into yours "thank you, Y/N" "um...your welcome?".


Mikey's POV

"Angelface! Y/N?!" I call for her 'where is she?' She had stayed over for the night but now I can't find her "hunny?!" I call out again. "How could of I lost her? She was right her, asleep", after almost a full hour of looking for Y/N I became upset and panicked "I d-don't know where s-she is, sensei" "Y/N?" My dad asked I nodded "where was she last, my son?" "I-in m-m-my room" by this time the rest of brothers were up to see the commission "what's going on, dad?" Leo questioned firstly "Mikey can't seem to find Y/N" "mmm...did you check the bathroom, she told me once that she normally goses there every morning" I couldn't help but notice from the corner of my eye our dad had a small smile on his face.

She wasn't in the bathroom, "w-what if she-she sleep walked into the-the sewers?" "Mikey, Y/N dose not sleep walk" Donnie stated trying to clam me down "what if s-she g-got kidnapped?" "Highly unlikely Mikey, the Foot have been dead for months plus she's a smart girl and you're a ninja you would of heard them coming" Donnie gave me a silent comfort but my eyes wouldn't stop watering "maybe...she is lost in the sewers" Raph suggested "that's a possibility, Leo and I are going into the sewers while Raph and Mikey will look around here some more" we nodded "I might have a clue where Miss.Y/L/N is" Splinter said as he stopped Leo "what?! Dad, why didn't you say earlier?" "Well because I think Y/N wants to keep what she's doing private" "well, where is she?" Raph requested  "follow me" Splinter beckoned.

Our dad leaded us thought the sewers for a while "dad, where are we?" Raph asked pestered "we are almost there, my sons" he said "now when she comes back, all of you must not say a word about it to her, she hates this, ok?" He said in a stern voice I gave a worried look to Donnie who mouthed 'no' then looked away with a worried expression himself, I knew he praying he was right. "She's in modeling?! I could not accredit this I though it was...something bad" "I'm back, I brought food!" Y/N yelled out as she entered as she did she yawned "did someone have a tough day?" "Like you wouldn't believe first I had to drive to Harlem for a catwalk testing then drive all the way back to the Brooklyn for a fitting and then..." she trailed as looked up at me with a 'oh fuck' look "yup I know" "damn, I knew I shouldn't of told Splinter, look it's only for easy money and once I have enough money I can quit it, I'm poor I need the money".

"Mikey?" She whined sleepily "hi" I held in a chuckle as she opened her eyes "I'm sorry" "it's fine... but I do need something from you" "and what's that?" She asked as she turned to face me "smile" I smiled myself "Mikey, I- is mmm" I started to try to find the ticklish spot on her back "don't you dare" she threatened "oh, I do dare" I stopped when I saw her crying "Mikey, it hurts please stop" "I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to hurt you" "no problem, did you get what you wanted?" "Yeah" "ok then, come on lets go make breakfast for the gang" she hops out of the bed and goes to our kitchen I stretched then yawn and went after her.


Your POV

"mmm" you hummed as you woke up, you looked at the clock it was 8:06 AM "wow, I slept in" you were about to hop out of bed when something grabbed your wrist "ahhhah" you screamed out in shock "Y/N, it's me" my boyfriends voice came from underneath your covers so I pulled them back to find a listless Don Don "Don Don!" You squealed then pounced on top of him "ahh, Y/N" he tried to squeal back which made you giggle.

We crawled underneath the blankets then we fell into a deep conversation, you make a funny face at him he returns it you grab his glasses then put them on he laughs and snorts, "y-you look like a fly" he continues as you laugh at that too. From underneath the covers you put his glasses on your nightstand "um...Y/N, I kinda needs those" "not right now, now cuddle me" you make grabby hands at him, you were both cuddling hardcore now while he kissed you face rapidly.

"Donnie" you whispered/giggled "my Mae Flexer" "oh my god! Donatello please tell me you did not just make a politic joke" you grinned "oh I'm gonna have tell your bros about this" you say as you tap your fingers together like a evil mastermind "you better not Y/N, you remember the last time you slipped out lovely dove nicknames to them" "yeah but you have to admit haft of them are quiet silly" you now look up at Donnie while you held his hand "ok ok some of them...are silly but that's because I....want to see your smile everyday and I sounded corny just now" he snorted and you giggled along.

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