For your birthday.

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Your POV

Even though it was your birthday you still had a troublesome day at work 'I should go see the guys today' you thought as you jump onto your couch. Being nudged awake wasn't your first choice in ways of being woken up "mmm" you hummed a complaint "ugh... leave me alone" you mumble softly " see I can't do that" the voice was none other then your boyfriend, Leonardo.

You flopped onto your side now looking at Leo "hi" "hiya, do you really think I would forget my love's birthday"? You sigh deeply "I wanted to forget it" "what? Why"? "Because not only did I have a long day at work but I also had a busy rest of the day" "mmm...I think I know what can get rid of those 'bad day vibes'" "yeah? How"? "A good cuddling section with a few kisses will hopefully bring that beautiful smile back to your face".

Your on top of him now so you can feel and hear his heartbeat which makes you blush "the guys got you some presents too" he states while caress your back "oh...ok" he moves to get a birthday bag to set it in your lap as you sat up "well open it" he chuckled "ok" you neatly picked out the tissue paper from the bag as you do so your eyes began to water "Y/N? Are you ok"? "No"! You wailed as you move the gift out of your way so that you could lay on top of him "your too sweet to me, too good to me. You shouldn't even be seeing me, you should be off with some model" you couldn't stand how sweet he was sometimes, hands stopped you from removing the tears "but Y/N in my eyes you are a super model" you sobbed more "too fucking sweet" you wept into him "'s ok" he wiped your new tears away.

"No more crying, open your gift" he said as he kissed your temple, you take out a box which was filled with spa related items like bath salts, lotions, perfumes, and even a bath bomb "oh Leo..." "there's more" you look to see a small deep green velvet box at the bottom of the bag "open it" he almost whispered so you did to see it was more then you could ever imagine.

A small ring was in this box, a ring with a band of gold and a stone of blue almost the same color as Leo's mask "I hope it reminded you of me, d-do you like it"? He asked, you punch him the kiss him, you end up having a tickle fight after the fight you sat in his lap looking at the girly ring "I hope it wasn't expensive" you protest "it doesn't matter, my love" he said as kissed your cheek.


Raph's POV

Waking up to Y/N on her birthday was magical. I woke up before her so I thought why not maker her some breakfast 'I know I'll make her eggs and pancakes', when I came back into her bedroom she seemed to be stretching "good morning, babe" I greeted cheerfully she saw me then smiled at me "good morning" she greeted back. After she ate her breakfast we went to her living room, "I'm going to run out for a hot minute" "ok" she agreed. I stopped by a pizza place to 'barrow' a pizza then I stopped by the Lair to aggregate her gifts then headed back to her apartment.

I found her just watching some TV "hey, I'm back" I sat down next to her "I have something for yah" I said as she turns off the TV, I set the pizza on her coffee table. I gave her my present first which was a maroon jewelry box "Raph" she warned "yah touched it, no give backs" I warned back she signed as she opens it, inside the box was a dainty gold necklace that April helped me pick it out together though text, on the necklace was a small maroon heart "it's beautiful, Raphael" she covered her mouth "could... I help you put it on"? She nodded, of course I fumbled with the too small clasped "you got it"? "Ugh no" I say defeated by the pretty necklace "I got it" without any help she clasped it from behind her back 'the hell? How'? "Thank you, Raphie" she said as she hugged me.


Your POV 

You woke up to pizza, cake, chips, finger foods like cheese sticks and pigs in a blanket, soda, and a bunch of candy. "Again, another huge happy, birthday to our own Y/N" Mikey yelled "happy birthday" then appalled, the spotlight was on top of you tonight which you did not like that.

Mikey's POV

Something seemed off with Y/N, she wasn't talking as much as she avoided me at the party "Y/N"? I asked she was surprised the turn around slowly "yes"? "Come cuddling with me, please angel" "I-I don't know" "are you ok"? I leaned forward "I-I'm sorry I just don't like the spotlight" "why didn't you tell me earlier"? She only shrugged and I sighed deeply "come on lets just go to bed" I say as I grab her hand so that we can go to my room.


Donnie's POV

"No, move it over there" I pointed while Mikey picked up the flower heart arrangement. Y/N said she never went to prom so...I thought why not have our prom or ball that's what we're calling it " ok I'm going to go get Y/N now, be back soon" April calls out to us, I remember asking her why she never went to a dance or one of her proms she simply said "it's just full of drama anyway".

"April"? She questioned "get in there girlfriend" Then April pushed her "A-April? What is all of this"? April didn't answer "April"? 'my time to shine, I guess' I stepped forward from out of the shadows but I froze by Y/N who wore a beautiful lavender prom dress I couldn't help but gulp "did you do this"? She asked now with a small smile I fumbled with my suspenders and my bowtie "m-maybe I did maybe I-I didn't" I said as I walk to her "mmm-mmm" we both burst out laughing "you look very handsome tonight" she said while she held out her hand on which I took "and you my lady, look irresistible tonight" she giggled as I pulled her to me by her waist.

"What kind of party is this? I don't think this is the ball guys" said Mikey who came in with the rest of my brothers "where's the music? It's not party without music" Mikey stated as he pulled out his turn tables and blasted so music which she laughed at, making her birthday party into a ball what would we ever do without April?

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