I'd do it all over again (Larry Stylinson)

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It all began on a rainy day in may. I was walking down the streets of London not really paying attention to where I was going. I was holding an umbrella and looking down at the ground watching the raindrops ripple in and out through the puddles, when a figure hits me hard enough to lose my balance. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I turn around to see who had caused the distress In my thought process, the sight I was met with was almost to good to be true. This man, boy? With unruly curls an pale skin highlighted pink by the wind on his cheeks, with big green doe eyes, the color I would see in my lawn after a rainy day, looking apologetically back at me. Somehow I find the words to say "it's totally fine, my fault, wasn't watching." "No no it was my fault, I ran into you. I really am sorry about that..." He seems so sincere and I really don't have the energy or want to argue back or really try to act upset anymore. "Well that's totally fine, but I must be on my way. Nice... Running into you." I don't even have it in me to to be sickened by my own bad pun. "Oh yeah of course, but I didn't catch your name, mines Harry." The name fits him, especially with the amount of hair he's got on his head. "Mines Louis, I really must be going though." "Okay, bye Louis." He says as he begins to turn to walk away, tripping over his own feet in the process, and well if I found that endearing then nobody has to know right?

I go on with my day, pretty uneventfully, but what happens next is just a pure act of fate. You may ask what happened, well I'm getting ready to tell you. It went something like this, I had just walked out of the little record shop where I had been visiting my friend when I turn around to be met with another body colliding with mine. Once again I turn around to get a look at the intruder of my thoughts and I was almost tempted to think "oh I'm just imagining this, it's déjà vu." If it hadn't been for the smirk on Harry's lips. "Well would you look at that, here we are again." There is no set of apologies like last time, just a very beautiful boy smirking down at me, literally because he's so tall. "Funny that huh" is what I reply with, and really I'm so stupid. I am going to go home and have Zayn smack me for losing my brain around attractive guys. "So since we're here now, would you like to get a coffee? I owe you for running into you, please?" And he's adorably irresistible but hot at the same time and really I'm not that stupid so I know what to say to a guy when he asks me out so "yeah, I guess, where to?" Comes pretty easily. But maybe it's not a "date" for him, oh well, it would just be nice to talk to an attractive guy that seems to be charming as well. All the guys I've met lately have been jerks. "There's a coffee shop a block away, it's my favorite." So this is actually happening. Before I know it, we are to the shop, seated in a small corner booth, and receiving our orders (tea for me and coffee for Harry). Our conversation flows easily and we get along great. I learn that he is originally from Cheshire, that he has one sister, he loves cats (always has), and that he really misses his mum. Which I follow up by telling him about my mum and sisters as well, I also tell him I'm originally from Doncaster. Then we eat to the more interesting stuff. "So, relationship?" Oh gosh I've been dreading this question, what if he's straight or homophobic? I don't think I would take it well because he seems so kind and genuine. "No, my last relationship didn't go well." Oh gosh I know it's coming soon. "What, girlfriend find out you are too good for her?" Oh god here it comes.. "Boyfriend actually... And no I found him in our bed with another guy." Oh god I've said too much, he's gonna think I'm sick. "Oh, I meant it though, you are too good for him." Oh okay that went better than I thought. "well thank you, but what about you? Relationship I mean." "Actually I just broke up with my boyfriend last week." Wait boyfriend? No way. "Oh.... Boyfriend? Are you joking right now?" Which you any blame me for that, I'm in shock. "Now Louis, I wouldn't wouldn't lie about my sexuality, I assure you that." Ok so.... This is really happening.... "I'm sorry it's just....." "I don't look gay?, yeah well I get that alot, but I am." "Well okay.... Um" I am cut off by Harry leaning across the table and kissing me, not hard, just the right amount of pressure. It's a quick, soft kiss. I don't even have time to kiss back before his lips are off of mine. "Oh...." Which really? That's all I could come up with? "I'm sorry Louis, I couldn't help myself! You're just so pretty and...." This time it's my turn to cut him off. This time the kiss is a bit harder to get my point across to him. "Oh...." Which I'm glad someone else has the same mentality rate as me. "Yeah." "So..., we should be going right?" Well that's not what I was expecting to come next but okay. "Um yeah yeah let's go." We walk in silence most of the way. When we get to my flat we stand in awkward silence for a moment before Harry breaks it with "can I see you again?" Which yeah, of course he can. "Yeah, that'd be nice." We part ways after that with a kiss and promises to meet for dinner the next night. That was followed by me squealing to Zayn like a teenage girl and telling him every detail of what had happened to me in the span of this fantastically wonderful day.

And now 4 years later I stand here watching the love of my life walk down the isle. He looks just as beautiful as the day we met, if not better. When we finally latch hands and wait for our turn to exchange vows we never look away from each others gaze once, not even to wipe our tear covered faces. As we exchange rings and share our first kiss as a married couple, the only thing I can think is "thank you for running into me." And honestly I would do it all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2013 ⏰

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