A Letter from Eunwoo

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This is not actually a scenario but you can imagine it since it is a letter. This is for all the potatoes who love our baby Eunwoo. I'm sorry, I can't mention you one by one but I believe that you know who you are. ;)


To: You

Hi. It's been a year since the day I met you. I can still remember that particular day you bumped into me. All of your books fell down from the groud. And it was like a scene from a movie when I insisted to help you-- which I am very thankful I did. :)

Did you know what I was thinking that day? When I looked into your little beautiful eyes, I felt like I was in a different world. A world full of joy and happiness. A world, where I think I will be safe forever.

And as I was getting your books, I accidentally touched your hand. It's just our skin that had touched, but it felt like you also touched my heart and soul. I did not know how to explain that feeling. It's very strange yet so beautiful.

No words have been executed. It was like a mute conversation of love. Love? I even thought about it that time. It happened so fast. But I love it. I really do. It was like an instant enchantment with a touch of forever.

As time goes by, things had already changed. I got to know you, you got to know me. And every drop of the leaves from the tree top, I fell in love with you..even more.

I always tell you how precious my life had been when you came in. You are the beautiful thing that ever happened to me. I can't even imagine what would my life be if I don't even bumped into you. Somehow, I thought that my stupidity is the best asset that I have because I got you.

It may sounds crazy, but falling in love with you might send me to the most secured mental hospital in the world. You're making me me crazily insane! T.T

You're like a drug. I am addicted. I can't help, I can't stop. I want more.

So today and for ever. You who are reading this, I want you to know that my life would not be so sublime if you did not happen. Everything that made you exist is a blessing I am always be thankful. You are just so perfect for me.

You are like my blanket when I am cold, my music when I got bored, my sunset when I feel so down and my stars in my darkest nights.

You are my 'Hope' in this world full of 'Sufferings'.

You are my 'You can do it' in this world full of 'Just stop it'.

And most especially, 'You are my only one' in this world full of 'More".

You see, this is how I love you. This is how I treasure you. Because you know what? You came into my life and you never leave once. You never stop on me even I've gone mad sometimes. You understands me and loved me with all my flaws.

And out of four billion girls in the whole world (aliens are not counted and animals) I would like you to know that I choose you.

Cha Eunwoo

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