Chapter Two -

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After I knew I had everything packed and I doubled checked, I walked out of my room and into Ezra's room, it was a mess as usual and he was lying on his bed scrolling on his phone.

"You should probably pack finish airhead" I said as I threw a pair of his socks at him.

"Oh Crimson, my beautiful, intelligent and caring sister, don't you want to help your favourite brother pack?" He said batting his abnormally long eyelashes.

"Ha Ha no." I said and walked out of his room.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen.

"Hello dear, What time is Spencer coming?" My mum asked, she was busy packing some snacks into a carry bag.

"Uhh at about 5ish" I said while stuffing my face with last nights left over lasagne.

My mum's not much of a cook, she'll make 2 good, home cooked meals a week. that's it.

"Okay great, Ryder will be here before supper as well, so I'll just ask Dad to pick up some chinese" Mom said looking extremely excited

"Aggggggghhhh" I cried out, I hate Ry, with an extreme passion. Him and my brother were friends since they were freshmans and I had to deal with him at my house almost every weekend. We have a sort of history and him coming on this trip was going to suck, but Spence and I were not gonna let him ruin it.

"Now Crim, I don't know what your problem is, but you need to start acting mature around him, he is a lovely lad. You're bringing Spencer, and Ezra is nothing but nice to her, I expect you to act the same towards Ryder" She said slightly rising her voice. I groaned in response and headed upstairs. She honestly had no idea what an asshole he is.


I woke up to see Spencer towering over me with a grin on her face.

"Bloody hell Spence! Get off me" I groaned and pushed her off me.

"Oh come on Crim! I'm excited, don't hate." She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

I was staring at her trying not to smile but failed miserably. "Okay fine. Ohmyword I'm actually getting butterflies. Is that weird?" I asked.

"Nope girl. I feel the same."

"Dinner's here! Come eat kids!" my mum screamed from downstairs.

"Woah, great. I'm starving" I said as we walked out of the room.

"Hey Spence" my brother greeted as he took his seat next to my Dad.

"Evening Spencer" my dad added as well.

"Hi" Spence said smiling at both of them.

"How was work Dad? " I asked kissing him on the check. I love my dad, he is my hero and I'm proud to say I'm his little girl.

"It was fine Crimcake, and School?" He asked looking up at me.

"Uh it was okay, so glad its over" I said in an aggravated voice.

Casual conversation flowed until the doorbell rang.

"Its Ry" Ezra said and got up to open up. I heard his annoying voice and my blood already started boiling. He walked in and greetings echoed around the room.

"Evening Crimson, you look pretty tonight" he said with an obnoxious smirk on his face.

I looked up at him and then down at what I was wearing. I had an old stained t-shirt of my dads and sweat pants on.

"Thanks." I mumbled and carried on eating. Words couldn't describe my hatred for him.

After supper ended Spence and I helped my mom clean up the kitchen and then headed up into my room.

"Emily and Daniel are driving down to, Em's uncles lake house next week. Alone" Spence said flipping through a magazine. Em and Dan we're very good friends of ours.

"Alone? As in without any supervision" I asked a bit surprised.

"Mhhhm" Spencer nodded.

"Damn, I want parents that let me go alone with my boyfriend to my uncle's lake house" I said a bit jealous of the freedom she gets.

"You don't have a boyfriend on and uncle with a lake house" Spence reminded me.

"Riiight" I said and continued brushing my hair.

"I'm gonna go pee" Spence said and got of my bed and left the room.

I opened my laptop and went onto twitter, I was in the middle of reading a hilarious tweet when I got rudely interrupted.

"Crimson." I heard a voice call. I didn't need to look up to know who it belonged too. Ry.

"What do you want?" I asked looking up at him. His chocolate brown hair was covering his green eyes and he had his famous smirk plastered on his face.

"You." he said and walked into my room.

"Uh last time I check I didn't say you may come in, now be a good boy and turn around and leave" I said not taking my eyes off my screen.

"God, I love it when you're all feisty with me" he said as he plopped down next to me on my bed. I could feel his gaze on my body and I finally snapped.

"Get the effen hell out of my room. I honestly don't want you here, and I don't want you to come with us to Miami either, you kind of have a tendency to ruin things. " I screamed out at him. He looked up at me and his eyes met mine. I couldn't really read his expression, it was a mixture of annoyance and anger. I looked away and continued looking at my screen.

"Is there a reason your being such a bitch or is it just a natural thing" He said pissed off as he walked out of my room.

A bit of guilt washed over me, but it soon disappeared. I got up and slammed my door, who the hell does he think he is? Is he really getting mad at me for being a bitch towards him? "Arhgggg!" I screamed out into my pillow. Why does he make me so furious!

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