Chapter 4

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After our luggage got checked in, Dad and I went to go get coffee for everyone and to pass the time.

"So Crimcake, you're gonna be a senior next year, we should start looking and applying for colleges already, don't you think?" My dad asked looking at me.

"Daddy, I have a whole year to think about that, and besides this summer is a school-free summer for Spence and I. We don't want to worry about our grades, or teachers or anything" I said sighing.

"Okay, that's fine Crimcake. A school-free summer it is" he said grinning and bending down to kiss me.

"Thanks Daddy I love you" I said hugging him. I honestly have the coolest dad ever.

"Can passengers for the 7o'clock direct flight from London to Florida please line up by the check in gates number 3" a lady voiced into the intercom. I looked up at my dad and grinned.

We all walked through the metal detector gates and after a while we were on the plane.

"Dibs on the window seat" I said as I ran next to it pushing Spence out of the way.

"Boo you. You suck" Spence said taking the seat next to me.

"If an annoying kid, or a grumpy old lady sits next to me I swear to God I was chop your hair off in your sleep" Spence warned.

"Jeez, okay fine." I said holding my hands up in defeat.

An mid-aged guy sat next to Spence and took out his laptop and began typing away, he didn't bother with any of us. She looked at me and shrugged.

"I'll see you in 10 hours" she said and took out her earphones and plugged them into her phone and closed her eyes.

I laughed at her and reached for my bag and took out my sketch pad and pencil. Drawing is my passion, there isn't anything I love more than drawing. I'm not very academic or sporty but when it comes to my art I consider myself good.

I began sketching random images of plants and flowers and eventually I got bored and took out my phone to check the time, I still had 9 hours left, I decided to switch on my little tv and watch a movie. Despicable Me 2 was on one of the channels so I put my earphones in and began watching it.


"Attention passengers, we will be landing in Florida, Miami in 45 minutes, please fasten your safety belts and prepare for landing"

I was awoken by the flight attended's loud voice, I looked around and saw my parents and Ry, and Ez awake, Spence on the other hand was sleeping like baby.

"WAKE UP SPENCE!" I loudly whispered into her ear. Spence is the moodiest person ever when she wakes up. She is even moodier when she wakes up from a sleep she is enjoying.

"What the f..." She screamed out at me, but stopped when she realised where we were.

"Oh hey" she said sheepishly.

"Hi. We're landing soon. Fasten your seat belt" I said looking over her with an excited smile.

"OH YEAH! Miami here we come" she said and we both laughed


After we got off our flight we went to retrieve our luggage.

"Mum, spence and I are going to the bathroom" I told my mum as I Spence and I walked away.

"Okay be quick about it though" she said back.

We nodded and carried on walking.

I was outside the bathroom waiting for Spence to hurry up.

"Hey" I looked up and saw Ry standing next to me.

"Hey" I said back.

"How was your flight?" He asked looking at me.

"Uh it was long and yours?" I said looking around waiting for Spence to hurry the hell up.

"Yeah same" he replied awkwardly.

I really can't do this whole 'being friends thing' with him I thought.

"Are you waiting for Spencer?" He asked trying to make conversation.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'

"Oh cool" he replied scratching the back of his neck

"You ready?" Spence asked looking at me and then at Ry. She gave him a death glare and pulled my arm and walked me towards my parents as if I were a dog or something.

"Come on girls your taxi is here" my mom said pointing towards the exit.

My brother and Ry came up behind us and we all left Miami's internal airport.

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