Love is Like the Rain

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When it rains, it starts off soft and slow, a drizzle. You don't need an umbrella yet because you barely notice it.
Halfway home, you feel as if you're walking forever and then someone asks if you want their umbrella. You look shocked because you don't feel the rain anymore. It's coming down fast and hard and you don't notice it.
You were oblivious to it.
Now that it's pointed out, you start shivering and wish to be home
as soon as possible. You start running hoping you'll make it home faster but you find yourself slipping on the wet asphalt so you just let it pour down as you walk at your usual pace.
You finally make it to the front door but you can't find the keys. You try calling for help but nobody answers. Suddenly, you go into the middle of the street and dance. What's the point of being bored in the rain? You're going to get wet either way, why not make the most of it?
Falling in love is the same way. It starts off slow and you barely notice it. Then it starts to come all at once but you're oblivious until they share their feelings with you. You don't know what to do, you feel overwhelmed. You ask for help but nobody can help you. So you give in after a while because it's easier that way. And once you give in, it feels amazing and you don't want to stop dancing in the rain.

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