short chapter

218 10 7

(Sorry this chapter has no kax but it will in the next one)

Vanessas pov
Wow I'm so nervous today is my hangout with sasha and yes i know it's not a date but i like him so i don't want to make a fool of myself. I was getting the movie we were gonna watch ready when i hear a knock at the door i go open it to see sasha there with chips and sodas

V:sasha hi come in

S:thanks and i brought snacks mother always said never go to someone's house empty handed

V:aww THANKS sasha

S:were do i put them down

V:on the coffe table please

S:ok so what movie are we gonna see

V:i didn't see the title but it's some horror film

S:ok cool

After we set up and get our snacks and drinks ready we settle down on the couch. Then the movie starts.

Time skip one hour

Sashas pov
Were an hour into the movie and vee is scared out of her mind. She said she could handle it i guess not. So after a while of her hiding her hands behind her hair and screaming i decided to put my arm around but she was to frightend to notice what she was doing and she laid her head on my shoulder and snaked her hands around my waist still screaming.

Time skip after movie ended

The movie just ended abd Vanessa was breathing hard theb she realized the position we were in and moved and to be honest i missed her next to me.

V:oh I'm sorry sasha i didn't know i got that scared

S:it's ok i didn't mind

V:ok well then we should clean up

S:yes ma'am

I'm so sorry FOR the short chapter the next chapter will be kit talking with jax


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