I Know (OUAT Peter Pan)

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It's a beautiful day, and you're showering underneath one of the smaller, hidden waterfalls of Neverland, in a place you call your safe haven.

Suddenly, you get the indescribable, eerie feeling that someone is watching you.

In a matter of seconds, you're perched on the highest branch of a hidden tree, eyes scanning the entire vicinity. I swear to God if it's Pan again I'm going to kill him, you think.

And as you speak the name of the devil, he appears, coming out from behind his hiding spot behind the bushes. He smirks, and shamelessly lets his eyes rake over your body, gorgeous green eyes clouded with lust. You suddenly become painstakingly aware of your tiny, transparent showering slip.

"It's not a great idea to be showering in one of my waterfalls, is it Y/N," he says, that damn sexy smirk still on his face. The urge to kiss it away is almost painful. "I mean, anybody could walk by and see you."

Ignoring your desires, you fly down from your position in the tree, still soaking wet.

"Since when do you care?" you ask, giving him a playful offended expression.

"Since you became my girlfriend," he says, causing you to blush. "Ok, but what are you doing here," you ask, desperate to take the attention away from your red cheeks.

"Well I was doing my daily rounds, making sure the waterfalls were clean and untouched, when I happened to stumble upon you," he says with a raised eyebrow. "Normally, I would be pissed that my waterfalls were in fact not untouched, but then I saw you in that tiny piece of fabric, and that wasn't something I was willing to miss," he says, still smirking.

"You're such a pervert," you say jokingly, a wide grin on your face as you shake your head slightly. You sit down on the edge of the brook, and begin to slip your dress over your head.

"No wait, don't put it on yet. I brought you a gift."

You turn around to look at him warily. "Peter, I swear to god, if this is one of your tricks that you use to molest innocent girls I will-"

"Bloody hell, Y/N, just trust me for once. I really brought you a present."

He reaches into his leather pack, and lifts out a silver package with a red bow on top.

You stare at it. "What is that? How did you even get it?"

He places a hand on his heart, feigning hurt. "I do have my ways, you know," he says, looking incredibly pleased with himself.

He hands you the package, and you eagerly rip off the wrapping paper. When you see the contents, you gasp.

"Oh. My. God."

Pan smiles, clearly pleased with your reaction. "What do you think?"

"Pan," you say slowly. "You got me....lingerie?"

It's simple, a strapless, pure white babydoll dress, made of silk. It falls about midway down your thigh. In conclusion, it's beautiful, and very modest for lingerie, but still lingerie nonetheless. You couldn't even imagine what Pan expected you to do with this. The scenarios were endless.

"Look, I know what you're thinking, but I imagined you wearing something like this in my head, and I couldn't help but think how amazing you would look in it, so I knew that I had to get it for you."

"Pan....what do you expect me to do with this?" you ask, still not quite believing your eyes.

A slow smirk spreads across his face. "Why wear it of course," he says.

"No," you say, too scared to even think about putting it on.

Pan frowns. "At least try it on, Y/N. You'll never know how it looks if you don't even give it a try," he says.

Swallowing, you look back down at the garment. "Ok," you agree, your voice wavering. "I'll try it on."

As you're about to slip it over your head, Pan stops your movement with a firm hand on your shoulder.

You look at him confused, wondering what he could possibly want now.

"Take the slip off first."

You whip around to look at him so fast, you almost get whiplash.

When you see the confident expression on his face, and realize he's serious, you nearly stop breathing, and your entire body freezes.

Pan's hand trails downwards, and he plays with the hem of your slip. You can feel him smirking behind you almost as much as you can feel his hand resting on the top of your thigh.

"I-I'm sorry, wh-what?"

"I didn't stutter."

You're practically having a mini seizure at this point, and with shaky fingers, you reach over to where Pan's long fingers are brushing your leg, and toying with the edge of the slip, you begin to remove it, before letting it fall back down.

"I-I can't do this," you say. You and Pan have a passionate relationship, but it's never reached sexual boundaries, and you're much too self conscious to open yourself up to him like this.

Pan kneels down, and spreads your legs apart so that he's sitting in between them. He lifts a hand and slowly brushes your cheek with it. "Y/N," he says softly, "you're beautiful. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed or insecure about, and I know you're going to look sexy as hell in that dress, so remove the damn slip."

You're eyes are wide with shock after his unexpected little speech, and suddenly filled with the nerve to actually go through with this, you rip off the slip quickly, and soon you're just standing in super tiny undergarments. Feeling brave, you turn around and face him.

His rosy lips part, and his eyes darken even more than before, until their black. Pan's eyes travel up and down your down your very exposed body, corners crinkling playfully, as he takes you in. His hands shift upwards until they rest on your waist, his thumbs tracing tiny circles on the skin of your hips.

The way he's looking at you turns you on so much to the point where you forget about your fears of surpassing sexual boundaries, and decide to give into your desires.

Your lips press against his strawberry-pink ones, tracing across his delicately, pressing down lightly, teasing him. The kiss is gentle, but so hot with passion it's almost painful. Pan's lips are soft but his arms remain tight, wrapped around your torso.

Just as he's about to slip his tongue into your mouth, you pull away with raised eyebrows, and this time you're the one smirking. Pan let's out a disappointed throaty growl, deep in his throat and reaches for you, but you easily step to the side, and slip the lingerie over your head, letting the fabric fall to the middle of your thigh.

You grin, spinning softly, letting the dress sway in the wind, across your smooth skin.

"I'm so tempted to rip that dress off and take you right here."

"Well that's a bit direct," you snicker.

"Like you wouldn't let me.

You laugh lightly, and place a soft kiss on his lips. "You're right. I would most definitely let you take me here."

"Okay then what's stopping us from-"

"The fact that it's getting dark out here and that we should really go to sleep," you interject.

"So what I'm hearing is that we can continue this another time, right?"

You smile widely. "Of course."

Pan smiles. "That's all I needed to hear."

Author's Note: please vote/comment to let me know your thoughts! should I do more pan imagines?


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