the convention.//my first imagine (RAK)

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Holy shit.

Your eyes are wide with both disbelief and humor as you stare up at the ridiculously large billboard that displays the face of your fantasies right in front of you.

And to this day, you don't know what brings you to do it, but grabbing a black Sharpie from a nearby booth, you crouch down until you are at level with Robbie's crotch on the billboard.

Biting your lip to stop the laughter threatening to escape, you begin covering the board with crude drawings of male genitalia, too caught up in your vandalizing to hear someone walking up behind you.

"Pardon me but...what are you doing?"

Your eyes widen with shock and you quickly turn around, almost falling over when you see who it is.

Jesus kill me now.

Robbie raises an eyebrow as he waits for you to respond, and your face turns a comical shade of red as you try to think of a suitable explanation for your actions.

So basically I saw this huge ass billboard of you and I don't know why but I thought it would be a good idea to draw a bunch of dicks all over your body because I happen to be really bored.

You slam your hand over your mouth as you register the fact that you said that out loud, while Robbie bursts out laughing.

"Tha- that was the best thing I've heard all day. Thank you for that," he says, his eyes still alight with laughter. "But that still doesn't take away all of the damage you've done."

Your eyes widen at the sudden seriousness of his voice. "I'll- I'll pay for a new billboard, I promise! Just please don't have me kicked out or-"

Robbie grins that damn beautiful grin. "I'm just pulling your leg. We'll just replace it."

You breathe out a sigh of relief. "Oh okay, good."

What happens next is so unexpected that you barely have time to react.
Robbie grabs your waist, pulling you flush against his body, and effectively closes any distance between the two of you.

Electricity sparks throughout your body at his touch, and you can feel your heart pounding so hard in your chest that you're afraid it might explode.

Then Robbie all but growls into your ear in a raspy, incredibly sexy voice, "Want to get out of here, beautiful?"

You nod mutely, too numb to do anything else.

He smirks, and letting go of your body, yet still holding onto your hand, he pulls you through the crowd towards the back of the convention. No one pays attention to the two of you, so it's a fairly quick process.

He stops in front of a vacant, wheelchair accessible bathroom, and before you know it, he's pulled you inside with him.

He kicks open a stall door, and slams you up against the wall. Pressing his body up against yours in the most amazing way, he puts his mouth on yours.

You remain frozen, unsure of what to do as he moves his impossibly soft, strawberry-pink lips over yours, until you hear him mumble against your lips, "Fucking kiss me back, love."

That's when you come to your senses.

Grabbing the back of his neck roughly, you kiss him back with so much force it even takes you by surprise. He smirks against your lips as if he expected this reaction. He bites your bottom lip roughly, and lets out a deep, throaty moan. The sound is enough to make you pant with pleasure, and he takes this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.

Shockwaves of pleasure roll throughout your body as though you're being set on fire, and your tongues move together in sync, a synchronized dance that only the two of you know.

Robbie really makes you feel something else.

He makes you feel alive.

You're startled out of your thoughts when he begins moving his amazing hands up and down your body, and roughly squeezes your ass.

You moan loudly, which in turn makes another deep, rough moan erupt from his throat, and this action almost sends you over the edge.

He begins kissing your neck, and you almost forget how to breathe. Your panties are practically soaked by this point.

Kissing Robbie was like floating on a fucking cloud. It was the best feeling in the world, and you never wanted it to stop.

He had become your drug, and you never wanted this addiction to stop.

But then again, all good things must come to an end.

Just as fast as it began, it ends quickly. In the midst of your passionate make out, Robbie suddenly stops kissing you, and removes himself completely from you.

You let out a disappointed whimper, and Robbie grins. Leaning in once again, he presses his lips to yours in a small, sweet gesture that sends your heart into overdrive, frenzying all your nerves.

He leans back, but even though he's smiling, the disbelief of what he's just done is clear in his eyes.

"See you around, Y/N," he says softly.

He then all but runs out of the bathroom stall, and into the crowd once again, not sparing you a second glance, leaving you confused, heartbroken, disappointed, and very horny.

You bring a shaky hand towards your now-swollen lips, the feeling of his mint-tasting, soft mouth against yours still buzzing in your mind, and the feel of his delicious body pressed against yours still vividly alive.

His beautiful, emerald eyes are now permanently etched in your mind.

I just hooked up with Robbie Kay.

Oh shit.
Author's Note: I know I say it every time, but thank you for reading! I'm not just saying it either, I really really appreciate it :) Please vote/comment below to let me know what you think/if you have any suggestions/requests for meeee


oml this was my first imagine ever and I have so many mixed emotions about it and I'm aware that it's very unrealistic but that's why it's called an imagine lmao

IK :)

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