Midnight. (RAK)

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You glance down at the time on your phone for what seems like the millionth time. Dammit.

It's only 10 pm. You can't leave here until midnight.

Everyone is laughing, talking, drinking wine, and enjoying themselves. That is, everyone except for you. Occasionally, random strangers will sit down and make friendly conversation with you, and you nod and smile like you're listening, when in reality you're just counting down the minutes until you can get out of here.

You're talking to another stranger while taking sips of wine in between, when you look up and are met with a pair of emerald green eyes.

Holy shit.

Your breath hitches in your throat as you observe him. He nods at you, acknowledging your presence.

Even though you know that you should stay away from him, that simple nod he sends you causes a big smile to form on your lips.

He's sexy. God, he's sexy. He's wearing a white dress shirt paired with a black tie and black dress pants, but he still manages to make such a simple combination look attractive as hell. Something tells you that even if he wore a trash bag he would still find a way to make it look hot as fuck.

You whisper to the person you were talking to just moments before, "I'm going to be right back."

You get up from your place and walk over to where the green-eyed boy stands. But by the time you get there, he's turned around and is walking out the door.

And to this day, you don't know what gives you the confidence to follow him. It would be easy to blame the alcohol, or how boring the party was, but deep down you know that's not why.

It's not the wine, or even his gorgeous looks, or anything of that sort that causes you to follow him. He intrigues you, and even though he really shouldn't after everything you've been through, he still does.

You follow him out the door, and see that he's headed towards the rooftop. Suddenly, he stops and turns around to see you following him, and instead of giving you a confused look, he beckons you to come with him.

Once the two of you make your way up the steps to the rooftop, he leads you towards the side of the roof that no one is standing near, as there are a few people scattered around, but everyone else is downstairs.

He leans over the edge, looking out into the city. You stand beside him, shivering slightly in the cold, and it takes everything inside of you to not bring his body close to yours.

"You look beautiful Y/N," he whispers against your ear. You turn your head slowly, your eyes meeting his. The rich emerald color glistening in the city lights. Your once pale cheeks turn a deep shade of pink.

"Why thank you Robbie," you whisper back, a soft smile gracing your lips. You study his features, your eyes not blinking once. He's so fucking beautiful.

Suddenly, a gust of wind cuts through the roof, causing a harsh shiver to course through your petite frame. Robbie looks around the roof and notices a heater situated on the opposite side, far away from everyone else. He grabs your hand lightly. "Come."

He leads you across the roof and towards the heater. It's darker over here, and vacant. You're hidden in the shadow of the midnight sky. He wraps his arms around your shivering body, and you can't help but think that the way you fit underneath his arms is perfect. He radiates comfort and warmth, and smells absolutely amazing, a mixture of mint and vanilla.

"I've missed you," Robbie speaks softly into your hair, while pulling you even closer to him, warming your body up.

"I've missed you too," you reply. Without hesitating, you slip your cold hands underneath his shirt, stealing whatever warmth his body had left. He doesn't move, clearly shocked by your actions. This feels right. God, does this feel so right.

Your eyes stay focused on his. He has you entranced by his beauty, and you wouldn't be able look away even if you tried. "It's been both a blessing and a curse to have you in my life, Robert Andrew Kay," you whisper.

"The same applies to you, Y/N." He laughs lightly, while pulling his hands away from yours. You instantly feel empty and cold without his touch. You lean towards the heater, rubbing your hands together to create more heat. "Everyone says I should stay away from you," you whisper.

You watch his expression rapidly go from light and content to dark and serious. "And you should. Why don't you listen to them?" he asks.

"Because I don't want to."

Robbie steps closer towards you, bringing your body with his as he pushes you up against the wall and deeper into the shadows. By now, you're completely hidden from the party and the world around the two of you.

He begins to run his fingers up and down your arms, palms pressing down against the small of your back, igniting fire on your skin everywhere he touches you. You shiver under his touch, and a smirk appears on his rosy lips at your response.

You remain still. Robbie lips lightly graze your collarbones, the heat of his minty breath making you shiver, this time not because of the cold air but because of the sexual tension that lingers heavily above.

Startling him slightly, you bring your fingers up to the nape of his neck, and entangle them within his soft, bronze-colored hair, pulling his head down closer to yours. You silently thank the gods above for your height difference, absolutely loving the way you have to go up on your tiptoes to reach him.

"I've missed you so, so much," Robbie whispers once more, before doing the last thing you thought he would do. He presses his strawberry-pink lips firmly against your own. You're taken off guard by his sudden movements, but it only takes a few seconds for your brain to register what is going on, and before you know it, you're responding to Robbie's kiss.

Your lips move in sync as they mold together. His mouth feel so soft against your chapped one. He hoists you up, wrapping your legs around his body as the kiss escalates, setting your entire body on fire, and making your heart pound so loud you're scared it might explode.

You let out a soft grunt as he presses his body against your core. You pull away slightly, and bite your lip. That's all he needs before he crashes his lips against yours once again. You softly moan against his mouth as he grips your thighs. His hands roam away from them and then towards your ass, giving it a light squeeze, causing you to pant with pleasure. Fucking hell he's going to kill me. You knew that for sure.

He deepens the kiss more by slipping his tongue into your mouth, an action that could be classified as unclassy, but is beyond classy when he does it. Everything that Robbie does is with class and boyish charm. That's just who he is.

Your tongues dance together in a rhythm only the two of you know. Your fingers pull at his hair earning a deep, throaty moan to erupt from his throat.

He breaks the kiss only to begin to leave soft, wet ones against your neck, and you feel as if you've forgotten how to breathe.

Suddenly, as he begins to move his hands up your dress, you snap back into reality, and push him away from you.

You look at him with wide eyes, and then begin panicking. "Shit, shit, shit, we can't be doing this oh god oh go-,"

"Y/N," he says, breaking you off from your panic. "It's okay love, we don't need to tell anyone. It'll just be between you and me," he says, sending a reassuring smile towards you.

You stare at him, wondering what you ever did to end up in a situation like this. But whatever it is, it doesn't matter, and you don't care enough to find out, because before you know it, you're kissing him again.
Author's Note: I'd like to thank you once again for giving this story a chance, it means a lot, more than you'd ever know! also, please vote/comment to let me know your thoughts about this story, as well as if I should post more/what you would like to see from me. thank youuu :)))


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