leather 'n lust. (RAK)

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guess who's back from the dead :))

there's a really important author's note that i'd really like y'all to stick around for at the end, but for now, please enjoy the closest thing i've ever written to smut ;)



okay bye for now lmao

You follow Robbie to his car, not speaking at all. It's not an uncomfortable silence; it's just the fact that there's too much to say but too little time to say anything. Instead, you cup your hands as Robbie helps you into the front seat. He starts the ignition, and off you go.

The air is different around the two of you now that you've kissed. Your feelings for each other are out there in the open, raw and exposed. You steal a glance at Robbie, and see him clenching his jaw, his impossibly sharp jawline become even more apparent, as if he notices you looking at him. He tilts his head and his emerald eyes meet yours for a split second before turning away from you again.

One of his hands is on the wheel, and the other lies limply on the side of his seat. You lay your hands awkwardly on your thighs, and can't seem to stop licking your lips. From the corner of your eye, you see his Adam's apple move visibly, as he swallows uncomfortably, and his free hand moves towards you.

Then, he makes the bold move of placing it on your leg, slowly caressing your skin.

You look over to see him looking very composed. Calm. You swallow hard as his fingers continue to make circles over your skin. The circles go higher and higher, and ohmygod.

You think you're in love with Robbie's fingers.

You have to bite back a small moan from escaping you because his touch feels too damn good. He continues to torture you with his little circles, his eyes on the road in front of you, a small smirk playing at the corners of his strawberry-pink lips.

"Robbie..." you murmur as he pulls into the driveway. You look at him desperately.

"Let's go upstairs, yeah?" Robbie leans towards you, and places a kiss on your lips. He wraps his hand around your waist, pulling your body closer to his. As if the touch of his fingers wasn't enough already, you feel like you're on fire at the feel of his lips. You respond automatically. Your hands wrap around his neck, your fingers becoming entangled in his bronze hair.

"Let's go upstairs already," you speak against his lips. He doesn't say anything else before he unlocks the car door and walks out. You get out and shut the car door, following him as you laugh softly.


Your lips are attached in a heated kiss. All the built up sexual tension releasing with your moving lips. Robbie's hands reach for his keys. He struggles as he tries to open the apartment door. "Fuck," he mumbles against your mouth, the keys falling out of his hand once he shuts the door behind you.

You're quick to pull your jacket off. It falls to the floor with a soft thump. Your lips don't hesitate to reattach themselves with his.

Your hands run up and down Robbie's arms and towards his hair. A loud moan escapes his lips once your body rubs against him. "Shit." He pulls your dress up, his cold hands touching every inch of your skin. You're soft against his touch; a contrast to the rough calluses of his finger tips. You harshly pull against his jacket.

"As sexy as you are in leather, this needs to go," you say, your voice breathy with lust. You're raging with lust; a kind you've never experienced before. It doesn't shock you though; Robbie makes you feel all kinds of things you never thought you would experience.

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