The exhilarating pain...

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"Higher! Higher Alexandra!" Trilled the malodorous voice of my ballet teacher; Madame Vasilisa Mikhailov.

Her shrill, Russian tone made me wince and I gritted my teeth as I pushed by back leg from an arabesque into a flailing penchee.

Concentrating, I held it till the foot no longer quivered and eventually even the pain became an exhilarating rush.

Normally this move would have been easy for a dancer in the stage I was, but the way I got beat up yesterday strained my muscles.

"Down!" Screamed the tutor.

I gently raised my standing leg toes into a relevé, then retrieved my back leg into a position that aligned with my hip, so it looked like a right angle. Quickly turning the fouettes, I returned to the fourth position and plied gracefully.

Madame Vasilisa hid a grimace and tried to smile brightly, ultimately failing.

"Darling! 'Ave 'oo 'ad any problemz vith ze pracktis?" Her accent rang out loud and clear in the spacious room.

I bit a busted lip, wracking my brain for a suitable answer, when my maid, Lorenza, popped her head around the door.

"Please Madame, the master and mistress would like to say good bye to their daughter." She said cheerily.

I heaved a sigh of relief, before realising Madame Vasilisa's cool green eyes were on me, and traded the sigh for a suspicious sounding cough. Her dark eyebrows raised questioningly, but she said nothing, packing her things quietly, before sweeping away.

Collapsing heavily on the smooth wooden floor, I glanced at my maid. Lorenza let out a sneeze that sounded considerably similar to a giggle and repeated her earlier statement.

Letting out a small groan, I heavily dragged my worn out figure from the enticing ground and shuffled out of the dance room.

I lugged myself up the grand staircase, allowing myself a single word lament for each step. After what seemed like hours, I reached the door of my giant of a room.

Opening the door, I recoiled at the "pinkiness" of the suite. My parents assumed that I loved pink, because when I was 3, I asked for a pink unicorn for my birthday. They haven't bothered to ask if I had changed my mind since then.

I hauled myself into the en-suite bathroom I possessed and stripped.

{A/N, if you are of the male species, I kindly ask you to give this young woman her privacy. Unless you are mature enough to not burst into peals of laughter. Thank You. }

My leggings joined my leotard and leg warmers in a hamper and I reached for a set of clothes brought out by Lorenza. For a split second, I glanced at my mirror and froze.

My body is awful...

Littered with countless lacerations and ugly purple bruises. My face scrunched up, slowly lifting my hand to touch a yellowing handprint around my neck. Allowing a tear or two to escape, I pulled on the clothes set out.

Only Lorenza knew of my torture.

She found out when I stumbled home one day, beat up badly. The scarf I normally used to cover up any abused neck parts had fallen off, exposing a small red bruise.

That was the first time they burned me.

At first, Lorenza assumed it was a hickey.

Like anyone would ever kiss someone as ugly as me.

Looking behind me, I realised my curtain was slightly open.

Reaching out to close the giant curtains, I noticed a flicker of movement from the window in the house opposite.

Then there was a face...

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