Chapter 5-Happy To Mad

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*Branch made it to his bunker and started to get settled in*

B-Well it looks better than I thought it would be well i guess I should start gathering supplies. *He got out of his bunker and start gathering sticks.*

Lets skip through a few years when Poppy is age 15 her friends 15 and Branch is 16 so lets continue on. Poppy is singing and dancing with the whole troll village at a party Poppy thrown for Creek while Branch is in the distance just watching from a distance.

B-Another loud and annoying party and now for Creek ugh man I really hate that guy. *Branch went back to his bunker he decided to look at the party invites he got over the years from Poppy that he denied.*

*After the party Poppy said good-bye to her friends and went to her pod and sleep until another great day to come along. Branch wanted to take a break and walk around the forest thats when Poppy saw him so she went to go talk to him.*

P-Hey Branch what are you doing at this time of night

B-Poppy why are you asking me that when you out here doing the same thing plus I can because I don't need to be home at a certain time. Now go home and get some sleep and let me be alone and not having someone like you talking to me *he said in a annoyed voice.*

P-Oh come on Branch don't be like that and you don't always have to be alone all the time.

B-Oh yea your right I have you *in a sarcastic way*

*They kept walking Poppy asking branch question and just talking to him he was just getting more annoyed every minute she was talking. Then they reached a cliff with a view of the beautiful moon.*

P-Wow Branch look at this view *she sat down with her legs hanging of the edge of the cliff*

B-I guess it's ok

P-Come on sit down *she patted her hand next to her to show him where to sit Branch just stood there.* Oh come on I'm not going to bite *Branch sat next to her just looking at the moon.*

B-So how was the party?

P-It was great you should have been there.

B-Well I would rather not *thats when he heard one of the most terrifying sounds to him *Ping* he just froze in fear* Oh no

P-Hug Time *Poppy opened her arms and went to hug Branch*

B-Poppy don't do it you know how much I hate hugs *but it was to late she wrapped her arms around his body and was hugging him.* Poppy let go away me *trying to get out of the hug but no luck.*

P-Nope I'm not going to let go until I want to

B-How long is that going to be *still trying to get out of the hug.*

*That's when Poppy did the most surprising thing that Branch would never expect she kissed his cheek let go of the hug and walked home taking a route Branch told her to go on a while ago*

P-Bye Branch see ya tomorrow


*Branch just watched her walk off he was holding his cheek a few minutes later he got up and was walking back to his bunker. On the way he looked down to see if there was any sticks to pick up but what he saw was amazing. He started to turn back to his original colors he was shocked he got to his bunker and looked in the mirror seeing he was officially his true dark blue/light blue. The next day came along and Branch was happy he had his color back again nothing could change what he is feeling right now but thats what he thinks.*

B-I think I will just wait a while till I come out and show everyone that i'm happy once again and have my colors back

*With Poppy and Creek the reason why she is with him is because he wanted to thank her for the great party that happen last night*

P-No problem Creek your my friend and I wanted you to have an awesome party.

C-Well Poppy I was actually wondering something.

P-Whats that Creek

C-Ok Poppy I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tonight.

P-Ok Creek I will go *she smiled at him*

C-Thats great I will pick you up at 7 ok

P-Ok I will be waiting

Ok now don't get mad at me for doing this it's just to get Branch more motivated that he likes Poppy more than a friend so just to make that clear but back to the story.

*Poppy went to go tell her father about her date with Creek when she got where her father was*

P-Dad guess what happen a few minutes ago.

KP-What is it Poppy

P-Creek asked me on a date today he will be picking me up at 7 so we can go where every he is going to to take me.

KP-Well that sounds great I hope you have a great time.

P-Thanks dad well I need to talk to someone.

KP-Ok see you later Poppy

*Poppy went to go talk to Branch*

*Poppy knocked on the rock to get his attention also calling his name a lot, Branch came out and Poppy gasp on what she saw*

P-Branch you have your color back that means your finally happy.

B-Yea I guess I am

*So Poppy and Branch were talking a lot and Branch enjoyed every minute of it instead of being annoyed and wanting her stop he also excepted every hug time that seemed to happen then Poppy said she had to go and. She waved good-bye branch returned the wave and she was off.*

*Poppy got ready and waited for Creek to arrive and he arrived right at 7 like he said he would so they went out to eat and finally they went to see the sunset it was romantic. But while branch was was whistling and picking up sticks he saw two figures in the distance he wanted to see who they were so he went to check who it was. When he got closer he saw it was Poppy and Creek he hid in the bushes to see what they were doing. Thats when he saw something that triggered a nerve what he saw that they started to kiss Branch dropped the sticks he was carrying. He ran away Poppy stopped when she heard something drop then running away and fast.*

*Branch made it to his bunker then he was rewinding what he just saw and in the progress he was turning grey and then that sadness went away then there was anger stirring in him. But at the same time Branch was crying then said to him self I should had told her when we were talking earlier*

Sorry if I made this chapter like this but the next chapter will be more romantic moments with Branch and Poppy but also sad so plz don't hate on this chapter

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