Chapter 7-Branch's Plan

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B-Well I better get my plan into action

Phase 1-Get a girl to go on a date with him

Phase 2-Make it a double date

Phase 3-Make Poppy as jealous as possible

B-Alright now here comes a big problem getting a girl to agree with this or even a girl talk to me. Hmm lets see who would even maybe chenille no that won't work because satin would have to come as well. Maybe I can get DJ Suki yo agree with it well it's worth a shot *Branch went out to find DJ.*

B-Ugh this is going to take forever *then he finally found her she was messing around with her music equipment .* Umm hey DJ what are you up to

DJ-Oh hey Branch just fixing my equipment just in case a party comes up and why are you here.

B-Well I need your help with something

DJ-Why should I help you

B-It's about Poppy

DJ-Oh no is she hurt

B-No but she is going on another date with Creek and lets just say- *before he could finish his sentence DJ interrupted him.*

DJ-You like Poppy in more than just a friend and you want my help to see if she likes you the same way even if it's a little bit. Like getting her jealous that with another girl and not with her.

B-Well I guess you took the words right of my mouth so will you help me or not.

DJ-Why me out of everyone

B-Well I thought you were one of Poppy's friends and it would be more effected if I was fake dating one of her friends.

DJ-Well I guess your right but why not satin or Chenille oh wait they would bot have to go as your date I get it now.

B-So will you help me or not

DJ-Sure I will help you but under one condition.

B-What *he said in an annoyed voice*

DJ-Ok make that two but 1 the rest of Poppy's friends have to help you on this and 2 you can't be a grump the whole time.

B-Ugh fine if that's what it take I will do it *he stuck out his hand for her to shake she shook his hand and headed off to the others.*

Wow I wish I could get this plan to work for me =( but whatever  

*The made it to the others and told them the plan they were shocked at first but agreed*

S-Ok you two time to get you ready for this double date but Branch go and tell Poppy about if you can join her and Creek.

B-Got it *he ran out to tell Poppy about joining her and Creek for a double date he made it and knocked on the pod and Poppy answered it*

P-Hi Branch what brings you here

B-Hi Poppy I wanted to ask you a question

P-Sure anything Branch

B-You know how you have a date with Creek

P-Yea what about it

B-Ok I was wondering if I can join you guys with my date

P-You got a date wow well I think that would be a good idea so who is the lucky girl

B-It's DJ Suki

P-Oh that's great wait your going with who


P-Your going on a date with one of my friends

B-Yea kind of always liked her but I was to shy till now and when you said you were going on another date I thought it would be good to go with you and Creek.

P-Yea that would be fine just be here by 7 ok

B-I won't well see ya *Branch walked away leaving Poppy now shocked/confused*

*At 6:50 Creek showed up

C-So what's up why did you want me here earlier

P-Well Branch came over asking if he could join us as a double date

I forgot to mention this but Poppy also told branch what to wear for the date

C-Ok I guess that's ok

*At 6:59 Poppy and Creek saw Branch and DJ coming up to them*

B-So we gonna go or you just gonna stare at us

C-OK let's go

*They walked to where Creek was going to take Poppy and all them did the exact same thing as Creek planed but there was one part that he had in mind. He was going to bring Poppy somewhere they could watch the moon and tonight is the night where it is the most pretty. There was the last part when they were staring at the moon they were going to kiss no one knew about that part except Creek.*

P-So are you two having a nice time

*Branch and DJ looked at each other and said at the same time "Yes" Poppy turned her head she was a bit mad/sad that Branch was on a date with another girl and he was enjoying it they made it to the last part of the date they sat down and looked at the moon for a bit. Creek looked at Poppy and he turned her head to face him and he kissed her that made Branch a bit mad DJ calmed him down they just kept looking at the moon. Creek broke the kiss and asked so you two going to kiss or not. They looked at him then each other nervous*

B-Well about that we just don't want to kiss each other right now we just want to enjoy the view you two can go back to what you were doing.

DJ-Yea what he said

C-Come on Branch just kiss her or I'll tell them why you didn't go to Poppy's birthday party many years ago.

Well that's it for this chapter see what why Branch didn't go to Poppy's birthday years ago

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