Chapter 8-Branch's Secret

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Ok last time we left off with Creek making Branch to kiss DJ Suki or he will tell them why he didn't go to Poppy's party so many years ago

B-You wouldn't dare

C-Try me

*Poppy and DJ were confused on what they were talking about*

B-Fine I will do it *I'm sorry but I have to he whispered in DJ ear he then kissed DJ on the lips to make it seem realistic he kissed DJ a bit longer then finally broke away from the kiss. Branch and DJ just looked surprised on what just happen.*

B-*Branch snapped out of  it* are you happy we kissed now don't say anything on why I didn't come.

C-Ok I won't say anything

*Poppy was a bit mad about Branch kissing another girl and even more right in front of her*

P-Ok guys lets just enjoy the rest of the night with out any fighting *they did what she told them.*

*After the date was over Branch brought DJ back to her pod and Creek brought Poppy to her pod then they went there separate ways to go to sleep. The next morning came and Poppy was hanging out wither her friends she kept thinking of what happen last night with Branch and DJ. Then they saw Branch and Satin called his name and waved him to come over to talk to them so he did so*

B-Hey guys how is it going

S-Good oh and did your date go well with you and DJ when you also tagged along with Poppy and Creek

B-Um lets say it's a night I won't forget

Chenille- How about you DJ did you have a nice time being Branch's date.

DJ-Also a night I forget

*Poppy folded her hand into a fist*

P-How about we talk about something else instead of that date that happen last night *she said in an annoyed tone*

Cooper- Poppy are you feeling ok you look a bit mad when we started talking about it.

P-I'm fine I just want to talk about some thing else

*They started walking when Biggie passed by he said "It looks like your plan is starting to work" Branch and Biggie were whispering about something while they were walking and Poppy was wondering what they were talking about. She backed away to where they were*

P-What are you two whispering about

B-Nothing *Branch walked faster and DJ was right beside him*

DJ-So what was Creek talking about last night on why you didn't come to Poppy's birthday party years ago

B-Oh just forget about that it's nothing important anyways

DJ-If you don't I will kiss you on your lips in front of everyone to see

B-It's personal ok I don't like to talk about it or ever talk about it to anyone

DJ-Ok you left me with no choice

B-You better no- *He was cut off when DJ kissed him and everyone looked in shock also gasping*

DJ-Now tell me or I will do it again

*Branch took her hand and pulled her some where private but Poppy decided to follow them and she was hiding in a bush close enough to hear what they were saying*

B-Ok the reason why I didn't go is because...because *a little drop of water was running down his face.* It's because a little while after I got to my grandma's it was also when my grandma died so I needed time to grief. So that's why I didn't go to her party it was also the reason why look like this grumpy and mad at the world she was the only family I had left.

DJ-That's why you didn't want Creek to say anything because you knew you would break down right front of us then get angry and do something wreak less.

B-Yea that's why I kissed you so he wouldn't say anything well lets get back to others *Poppy went in hurry to get to them but she tripped and Branch heard.* Wait someone was listening to our talk *Branch grabbed a stick put DJ behind him walking towards to who was listening Branch then saw Poppy laying there.* POPPY!

P-Oh Branch good to see you

B-You were listening to us talk

I'm sorry you were being so secretive and thought you were talking about me but now I know why you didn't come and that must have been terrible.

B-Whatever lets just get back to back to the others *he walked back to were the others were and Poppy and DJ followed behind*       

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