*After what happen between Poppy and Branch Poppy went home her eyes were red from crying on the mistake she just made. She still had her colors witch is good she also had collected every piece of the cards that was ripped up when she walked in her house her dad looked at her at first smiling until he saw she was crying he rushed over to her to ask what happen.*
KP-Poppy whats wrong or what happen
P-I..*sniff*...lost...*sniff*..a..*sniff*..friend and it's all my fault and I don't know if I will every see him again.
KP-What did you do to make him not be your friend anymore.
P-I yelled at him because he said he would go to my party and he didn't come I waited a week to see him again and he tried to explain why he didn't come. But I didn't want to hear it and I accidentally said I didn't want to be his friend anymore. After that he said "I guess I don't need to give you these anymore" *Poppy showed he dad the shredded cards*. He just tore them up then ran away crying I decided to fix them and see what they said.
KP-I see I bet you will see him again and you know what you should do when you see him also I think its a good idea to see what those cards say.
P-Ok dad
*She ran to her room and started right away on fixing the cards it took her all night but she finally fixed them and she looked at the first card and she read it out load it said.*
P-"I'm Sorry" *she open the card* Sorry I didn't make it to your party something came up and was really important I wanted to tell you but didn't have the chance to.
*Second Card*
P-"Happy B-Day" *she open it and read "Happy late birthday-Your best friend Branch" *Poppy looked at them a bit more mostly the "I'm Sorry" card so she said that tomorrow I am going to find Branch and say sorry. He is a nice guy so I'm sure he feel forgive me after that them we will hug and we will be best friends once again.*
*The next day came Poppy woke up right away and got ready fast said hi to her dad ate break fest then said good-bye and headed off to find Branch*
P-Ok now here comes the hard part find where he is*that's when Poppy's friends came over to her and said hi* hi guys I can't do anything with you guys right now.
C-Why can't you Poppy
P-Because I'm trying to find a new friend I made and I can't find him
C-Well can we help find your new friend then we can also become friends with who ever *the rest of the snack pack agreed to what Creek said*
P-Thanks guys oh yea he is also a boy so to make it more clear *they nodded there heads*
DJ-So what does he look like Poppy
P-Well he has a blue body and darker blue for hair and blue eyes
Twins-Ok lets start looking
*They went to go find Branch they were also asking question on what is he like what does he do all that other stuff then finally in the distance. Poppy could see a troll that looked like Branch so she ran towards the troll and yelled his name the snack pack followed right behind trying to keep up.*
B-Ugh stupid Poppy and all the other trolls *then Branch could hear someone yell his name he recognized the voice it was POPPY* why is it her of all people. Wait why is she coming over to me when she said we were no longer friends well I better get back to work and ignore her. *He started to walk away but then someone tugged on his arm making him stop and turn around to see poppy.*
P-Finally I caught up to you Branch I need to tell you something really important *she didn't notice he was all grey* I wanted to tell you I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said I was just angry and it slipped out. Can you forgive me and we can be best friends again*she was waiting for his answer.*
B-Let me think*Poppy new he was going to say yes* No I don't except your apology and I never will. *Poppy didn't hear him at first and she hugged Branch then he pushed her off of him and said I don't except you apology now leave me alone and Branch walked away. Leaving Poppy there sad about him saying no*
*Poppy's friends ran right to her and saw she was crying they tried to cheer her up*
C-Poppy are you sure that was Branch he acted the total opposite of what you said about him and he wasn't blue.
*Poppy just looked at the direction her ex-friend was heading off to shocked*
P-That's not the Branch I knew he was so nice and sweet but that was not what he was before I thought he would forgive me when I said I was sorry .
C-Why did you have to apologize to him in the first place Poppy
P-When I met him he started to talk about how he wish he was able to go to one of my parties so I gave him an invite to my birthday party. That's who I was waiting for when you asked me who I was waiting for but he didn't come so I waited for him to come back to the park. Then yesterday he finally showed up and I went to him I was super angry at him for not going when he said he would.
He tried to explain why he didn't go but I didn't let him say and that's when I said something shouldn't have said to him. What I said was I didn't want to be his friend anymore that's when he showed me the cards he was going to give me before I said that to him. Then he just tore them to pieces and ran away crying I picked up all the pieces and when I got home I fixed the cards. Then I read what they said one of them was a I'm sorry and the other was Happy Birthday The sorry card explained why he didn't come, and the other said Happy late Birthday your best friend Branch.

How Our Love Came (Poppy X Branch)
FanficThis is happening before the movie when branch is still gray and not happy, there is going to be no adventure to save the trolls in this its going to be a story on how poppy and branch met and how they start to develop feeling for each other I do...