I'll Show Them

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Arthur sat in his cold and empty house.He looked out his window as he took a sip of his hot tea.He sighed and looked down at the floor.He had nothing to do today so he decided to close his eyes and take a nap.

There was a long,motionless silence that filled the room till he finally fell asleep.


Arthur woke up to find himself in a dark room.He looked around but all he saw was black.

"Hello..?",he called out.


He looked around again but there was still nothing.

'Where am I...?',he wondered.He decided to walk around the room and eventually stumbled upon a small table.He raised an eyebrow when he noticed a small,oddly shaped object.He picked it up and his eyes widened when he realized it was one of the small toy soldiers he had made for Alfred many years ago.

"Why the hell is this here?",he asked out loud.

He nearly jumped when he heard a familiar,obnoxious,and taunting laugh.

He looked around,"Alfred...?"

The laughing continued then he heard that same voice speak,"I never actually loved you,dude!In fact,I was so happy when I was finally declared independent from you.You deserve to be alone forever."

Arthur's eyes widened and he turned his head to see Alfred standing next to him.He noticed the evil in his "friend"'s eyes.Arthur stepped back quickly,"Wh-Why did you...?"

"You know why",the American responded.

Arthur's eyes widened once again and flashbacks of the American Revolution traveled through his head.His head ached,the pain of losing someone he had loved so dearly coming back.He stepped back,further away from Alfred,until he bumped into something else.He turned around quickly and saw Francis.He stared for a moment and opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.He still had a huge headache and his heart was pounding so loud that he could hear it.

Francis smirked diabolically as he held up a small mirror that was facing Arthur.Arthur cautiously looked at it.He saw his reflection but there was nothing quite different about it.

"Do you see it?",the frenchman asked.

Arthur's eyebrows furrowed in confusion,"See what..?"

Francis moved the mirror closer to Arthur,"Do you see how ugly and horrible you are?No matter what you do,you will never be as gorgeous as me~"

Arthur gasped and looked at Francis,"Excuse me?Why would I want to look like a frog like you?!"

Francis's smirk faded and turned into a look of pure hate.He raised the mirror up then brought it back down quickly,slamming it hard against Arthur's head.Arthur groaned loudly in pain and fell back.His headache had somehow gotten worse.And on top of that,he had no idea what was going on.He still didn't know where exactly he was and he had no idea why his "friend"'s were being this mean to him.He looked up and saw Alfred looking down at him.

Tears stung in Arthur's eyes,"A-Alfred..w-what's going o-on....?"

Alfred scowled,"I.am.not.Alfred!",he swung his leg and kicked Arthur right in the chest.

Arthur winced in pain and fell back.He looked back up and realized that Mathew was the one who had kicked him.

"M-Mathew...I'm s-so-",Arthur started to apologize but was cut off by another kick,but this time,he had been kicked in the face.

Arthur fell back and lifted his hand up to cover his aching cheek.

"I don't need your apology!",Mathew shouted then turned around and started walking away.

Arthur tried to get up to stop the Canadian from leaving but his head was in too much pain.He continued to hear his heart beat in his ear as his eyes forced themselves to close.He could hear the faint sound of Alfred and Francis laughing tauntingly.His heart felt like it was slowly being ripped apart.


Arthur gasped as his eyes opened.He looked around quickly and saw his own living room.His heart was still racing but his head wasn't in as much pain.He then realized he had just had a nightmare.

"Wh-What the bloody hell....?"

He leaned back into his chair and looked out his window.It was already nighttime.He looked around for a moment and started wondering why he had such a dream.

'What if that's what they really think of me?What if that wasn't just a dream?What if it was a vision?Or someone trying to tell me something?',many thoughts flew threw his head.

The thoughts made him more and more anxious.But suddenly,the sound of a phone ringing brought him back to his senses.He sighed and picked up the phone that was next to him,"Hello?"

"Bonjour,mon ami~",a familiar frenchman cooed.

Arthur rolled his eyes,"What do you want,wanker?"

Francis chuckled,"I was wondering if you want me to help you fix up your messy hair?It's very annoying to know someone who has such hair-"

Arthur growled,"Excuse me?How dare you call me just to insult me!"

"Mon ami,I'm not insulting you,calm down."

"No!Shut up!Stop insulting me then calling me your friend!I know what you really think of me.You think I'm an ugly and terrible person.And I know Alfred thinks I'll never be as great as any of you.But,just you wait,I'll show you all what I'm truly made of!And you'll all regret ever messing with me",Arthur shouted at the frenchman then hang up the phone before he could respond.

Arthur growled in frustration and got up,he bumped into the small table next to him,knocking off the small cup of tea in the process.The cup hit the floor and shattered into pieces,the remainder of the tea dripped on the floor into a small puddle.Arthur ignored it and continued walking.He walked up his stairs and to his storage room.He looked around for a while till he found an old,dusty book.He lifted it up and blew the dust off of the cover.The book was black and it had the letters "B.K." engraved in the corner.

Arthur flipped through the pages till he came across a certain page.He grinned,"I'll show them just how powerful I can be."

He started to recite the words on the page and the book started to glow bright purple.He closed his eyes as he continued the spell.Once he finished the book started flashing the color pink for a few moments,then it stopped.Arthur looked at the book then felt his body jerk back,causing him to drop the book.He fell to the ground and felt his head start to ache again.He groaned in frustration and picked up the book.He stood up and looked at the book curiously,"Did it work..?"

He walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.He stared at himself for a moment.He still looked the same,nothing had changed at all.He sighed and looked at the book.His anger had somehow left him.

He walked to his room and put the book on his shelf then he walked over to his bed.He laid down and drifted back to sleep.

To be continued...

{A/N:Yay~ I finished chapter one!Honestly,I'm really enjoying writing this so far.However,it physically and mentally pains me to write some parts of this since i am a..HARDCORE USUK SHIPPER!!Pls don't hate me for shipping that and please DO NOT leave any hateful comments saying that it is "incest".There will be NO shipping in this fan fiction so it will be enjoyable for everyone.

anyways,i hope you all have/had a good day/night~!}

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