I Can't Stand The Person Inside Me

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It had been a two days since the "incident".Arthur hadn't left his house ever since he got back home from the hospital.He didn't even know if Francis was alive or not. He hadn't talked to Oliver either,he refused to look in the mirror.In fact,he broke all of his mirrors so he wouldn't have to.

He couldn't stand Oliver and he hated the fact that he was apart of him.Arthur had tried to look for a spell to get rid of Oliver,but when he went to look he found out the book was gone.Which probably meant Oliver hid it somewhere.

Arthur stiffened when he heard a knock on the door,he hasn't seen anyone since the hospital and he still didn't want to so he just laid down on his bed and ignored the knocking.However,the knocking started to get louder and louder.Arthur growled,"What the bloody hell?!"

He started to get up then he heard his front door unlock.His eyes widened as he heard footsteps coming from downstairs.He got up and slowly walked downstairs.

"Who the hell-",Arthur walked into the living room and saw Alfred looking around.

Alfred turned around to face Arthur,he forced a smile onto his face,"H-Hey,dude..."

"Why are you here?!",Arthur shouted at the American,quite irritated.

"I just thought you'd want to know what happened to Francis.."

Arthur stiffened and bit his lip as he stared at Alfred.He remained silent and looked down in shame.

"H-He's alive,don't worry.....And he uh...he told me what happened when I went to visit him.He told me e-everything....",Alfred spoke softly,not a hint of anger in his voice.

Arthur looked up and stared at Alfred, "You're n-not angry..?"

"Of course not!It wasn't your fault...!It was that other dude's fault,right?!"

"Wh-What?",Arthur continued to stare at Alfred.

"I already told you Francis told me everything.Including the other person inside you or whatever...And I'm here to help you get rid of him!",Alfred smiled slightly.

Arthur remained silent,"I don't need your help...."

"Of course you do!I even found a spell book that might be yours",Alfred said as he pulled out the black spell book Arthur had been looking for.

"Wh-Where did you find th-th-that?!",Arthur asked,wide eyed.

"Uh I found it in the park.."

Arthur's eyebrows furrowed,he didn't bring it to the park with him the other day.

'Arty~ Now's our chance to dispose of him~!',Oliver cheered.

Arthur bit his lip and looked at Alfred.Alfred was smiling at him innocently,his blue eyes shining in the sunlight.

"N-No...I can't.....I w-won't..!",he responded to Oliver,tears forming in his eyes.

Alfred raised an eyebrow at Arthur,"What?What are you talking about dude?"

'You know you want to!He's at a disadvantage right now since he doesn't see it coming.If you won't do it,I will.'

Arthur gasped and grabbed Alfred's arm,"You h-have to go!Now!"

"What....?",Alfred backed up slightly.

Arthur's breath hitched and he tried to tug on Alfred but he couldn't move his arm.

'No no no no!',Arthur felt like his heart stopped for a moment when he realized Oliver was in control once again.

Alfred noticed Arthur's eyes turn from green to blue which made his eyes widen.Francis had told him about the blue eyes and freckles so he quickly stepped back away from "Arthur".

Oliver frowned,"Awe come on,don't you wanna play with me?"

Alfred growled and reached behind his back,watching as the blonde in Arthur's hair faded to pink.Oliver noticed Alfred's movement so he lunged forward and tackled him,pinning Alfred's arms down to the ground.

'Oliver please stop!',Arthur shouted.

Oliver ignored Arthur and grinned evilly as he pulled out his knife and aimed it at Alfred,"Any last words?"

"Nope!",Alfred said as he kicked Oliver where the sun don't shine.

"You wanker...!",Oliver groaned in pain.

Alfred tried to shove Oliver off but failed due to his strength,"C-Crap.."

Oliver looked into Alfred's eyes maliciously as he brought the knife back up.

'Stop,Oliver!Don't do it,please!I'm begging you!!',Arthur felt his heart pounding.

"Arthur..p-please...I never hated you!I know you probably thought I did when I left you....b-but I never did",Alfred said,tearing up slightly.

Oliver froze,his eyes widened as he stared at Alfred.

'A-Alfred...',Arthur spoke.

Oliver felt tears coming out of his eyes due to Arthur's sadness.

"What a baby...",Oliver muttered in annoyance.

Alfred growled and head-butted Oliver as hard as he could.Oliver gasped and leaned back,wincing in pain.Alfred took this as an opportunity to push him down to the ground.

Alfred grabbed the knife from Oliver's hand and threw it across the room.He brought his hands down and wrapped them around Oliver's neck,"Give me back Arthur!Leave us alone!"

Oliver stared at Alfred with no emotion.

"Never.I'm doing this for both me and Arthur and I will never listen to an idiot like you!",Oliver hissed.

Alfred tightened his grip on Oliver's neck.He noticed his blue eyes turned green and he gasped,"Arthur?"

Arthur stared at Alfred with wide,teary eyes,"A-Alfred..."

"You're back!",Alfred smiled cheerfully as he pulled his hands away from Arthur's neck.

"W-Wait..",Arthur said as he pulled Alfred's hands back down to his neck,"P-Please....."

Alfred furrowed his eyebrows at Arthur.

"Kill me....."

To be continued...

{Ciao everyone!Srry for taking a while to upload this chapter,I've been busy with school.But luckily,I'm on winter break now yayyyy!!Also,sorry for another cliffhanger.There will only be like two more chapters but one of them will be a bad ending and the other will be a good ending.So..I was thinking of doing the bad ending first but I'm not sure...Comment below which ending I should do first!Also,I don't have time to check over this to see it there's any errors so there might be some mistakes but I'll fix them tomorrow if there is any^^

Thank you for reading and have a good day/night!}

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