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Do people even care how others identify gender wise?

Of course they do.

If they didn't, I wouldn't be where I am right now;

In my room,

Mind racing,

Eyes swollen,

Throat burning,

Pride disintegrated,

My body not connecting with who I really am.

I am Nathan Alexander Truscott.

That is my name, and my pronouns are he/him

I don't care what anyone says, I will remain being the old me, just with a different name, different pronouns, and a different body.

But I am still me.

Why then, if I am still me, do people insist on laughing, pointing, prodding, and jeering at me?

I guess it is just ME.

Me, the person who is sitting in their room, thinking of what would be the easiest way to die.

Just boring old me.

A Boy in PinkWhere stories live. Discover now