Coming Clean About The Past

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Hey guys I'm back by popular demand!

Maria:"Sit your happy ass down because ain't nobody happy in this bitch. "

Patricia :"you can't just leave for like a month and the suddenly appear like a fuckin magician! "

Fuck you,  I had writers block and didn't want to force this chapter because then it would be a shitty chapter content wise.I care about the chapters I give y'all.  So put on your seat belts,  keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times and to not attempt to feed the animals,  they are already being fed and are fat. Enjoy the ride!

We walk into the depressing building and prepare ourselves for the bullshit that today is going to be.

"Aleeeeexxx" Lily says making the e last longer.

"Liilyyyyyy" I copied making her smile.

"Alex,  we need to talk, " I turn around and see a giant talking trashcan.... Or Mason... Their identical so I can't tell the difference anymore. 

"No,  actually,  we don't, " I answered,  turning around to walk away.  As I tried to do so I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Let me-"

"HEY! You heard him,  so why don't you do us all a favor and fuck off!" Zack cut me off and stood in front of me.  Mason laughed .

"And just what do you think you're going to do about it? "He asked smirking. 

"Oh don't worry sweet heart,  he won't do a thing,  but me?  Oh,  I might just cut your foot off and use it as a door stoper, "Maria threatened standing next to Zack. 

"Guys, it's okay,  it'll be fine,"I gave them a reassuring smile and walked towards Mason. He gave a smug smile and walked away.  He went into an empty class room and when in walked in he shut the door behind me. 

"I don't have any time to wast so start talking, " I demanded sitting on a desk near the window.

"Alex, I know that we had some issues bu-"

"Some issues?  SOME Issues?  Our whole relationship was an issue! You were abusive, a sadist and narcissitic asshole that used me! You threatened to kill what little family I had left. I should gut you where you stand," I growled with hot tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"And what's stopping you? "He asked leaning back on the desk across from me,  looking pleased with himself. 

"Morals,  a promise I made to the people I love , and a shit tone of mercy, " I seethed glaring daggers at him. He chuckled getting up and walking towards me and stopped when he was inches away from my face. 

"You see Alex,  that's why you're weak, because once you show someone like me mercy,  we just stab you in the back ," He explained getting closer,  a little to close for comfort. I tried to move away,  but he held me there by holding my thoighs down. The more I struggled the more firm and tight his grip became. 

"Let me go Mason, "I said calmly as I could. Masons hand get closer to my inner thigh and I pull out the switch. He laughs andimches his face clover to mine and now he is only a centimeter away. He giggled

"And what are you going to do with that? Face it Alex,  you're not going to hurt me,  you can't. Might as well just give up,  and give in," he whispered the last words in my ear running shivers down my spine .

"Fuck off, "I whispered in his ear before I kneed him in the stomach making him back up giving me a chance to kick him in the crotch.  He backed up even more and kneeled over holding his crotch.  I took this opportunity to run. 

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