Shitty meet and greet

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—- David & Chris

Holy shit! I've returned. I'd like to thank all you patient readers and I'm sorry! I am going to try to update more often Bc you guys are so great and deserve it! Enjoy the update!


Alex pov

I woke up with a pounding migraine and someone's hand down my pants.

"Good morning handsy, you mind handing me the aspirin in the drawer next to you?"I asked taking his hand out of my pants. He handed me the pill bottle I and I swallowed two pills. after I did, a certain someone's hand found its way back into my pants. "No rest for the horny I see."

"I'm not hand is cold."

"Is my hip providing nice warmth for you weirdo?"I asked turning to face him.

"Yeah, but I think your ass would do much better," He said with a smirk.

"I don't know if I should slap you so hard you'll fly to Cuba, or push you off the bed," I responded with a sigh.

"How about we do the third option where we don't injure the the crippled?"He suggested innocently. I sighed and shook my head.

"I can't believe I love you,"I muttered lying my head on his chest. He giggled and kissed the top of my head.

"Hey, what time is it?"He asked running a hand through his hair. I reached my hand out and slid it over the nightstand till I felt what I assumed was a phone. I assumed correctly. I picked it up and checked the time.

"Eleven twenty, why?"

"No reason, listen ima step out really quick. I'll be back in a bit okay," He groaned as he sat up on the bed and stretched. His back muscles becoming more defined as he lifted his arms up. I couldn't help but reach out and glide my hand down his back as he stood. He got a new cast that lets him walk without his crutches, quick healer I guess.

"Where you headed?"I asked

"Nowhere special, running an errand with Maria," He responded rummaging through his bags, pulling out a t-shirt and some jeans.

"What kind of errand" I questioned

"Umm....s-she needs..uh.....c..condoms?"

"......Bitch what the f-" As I was about to question that the shit my boyfriend just fucking told me, my phone wrang. It was Maria.' Good, maybe she can explain that the fuck just happened.'

A:"Hey Issa."

M:"Hey love, is zack there I need his help with something."

A:"Yes yes I heard...What the fuck maria!?"

M:"What!??...Oh god, what did he say?"

A:"This fucking egg sucking, ily-livered jive-talking motherfucker just said he has to help you buy condoms."

M:" oh God, you're dating an idiot."

A:" I know, what's really going on Maria?"

M:"He's going to go get you a special something."

A:"umm....he's buying me condoms?"

M:"No you asshole, he wants to give you something special so he asked your best friend for help,"

A:"Awww, that moron. well make sure he doesn't get me anything weird kay"

M:"Sure, send his dumb ass down stairs please."

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