Good Enough

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I sat on my couch eating a slice of pizza. Today's Sunday, my day off. Well, everyone's day off. I grabbed the remote and turned off the T.V. I got up to throw my box of pizza away and the leftovers in the refrigerator. I ran upstairs to see a DM on my instagram.

It read, 'Hey, how u doing? I know I was a little mean even a lot mean, but I was wondering if u wanted to hang out??? -Maximillion

I thought about it for a moment. Why not? Then I got my bag and my shoes on, since I was already dressed. Then I waited a little bit. I got on my computer to look at the comments. I was about to at least. I looked at my wrist, the new scars. I quickly got up to go to the bathroom. I grabbed a razor blade and slit my left wrist. Adam said,

"Be strong, their not worth your life." Yet, they got to me anyways. The most of the haters? Max. I slit at least 19 more times.

Then I went outside, and pretended to be okay. I'm so tired of being strong. I walked to the Starbucks near my house, where Max said to meet. Was I even good enough to hang out with him? I mean he acts like I don't even pay attention to him. Before I knew it, I stood at the counter where I was ordering my drink with Max.

"A frap mocha with extra whip, and he will take..." I trailed off.

"A caramel frap mocha. Extra caramel." He explained. I chuckled as some kid grabbed my hand, maybe 4 years old.

"Your HappySmilesGaming aren't you?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yes, I am. Wanna picture?" I asked. He nodded. I grabbed my camera and took a picture with him. Yes, he may want to carry this picture around. Well you know the instant pic camera. I have that. The ones that take a pic and immediently print it. I gave him the picture and he ran away to his mom, or sister, whichever. I grabbed my drink, and Max grabbed his. I sat at a booth as I laid my arms to where my scars were showing. Bad idea.

"What are these?!" Max yelled/asked. I flinched and teared up. He threw them down and put his head in his hands. When he wasn't looking, I scrammed.

-Start song

-I don't know why he left but he's been gon for seven months

-There's been a tension in the air that's not so fun

-Mom's been losing weight, I can tell she's not okay

-I wonder if it's my fault he went away

-I fell like I'm drowning, I feel like I'm broken

-I've been ripped down the middle

-I am ripped down the middle

-My house is a war zone, My life is a battle

-And I'm stuck in the middle

-I am stuck in the middle

-Whatever I did, I would take it all back

-I'd circle the world to get back what we had

-Tell me what must I do to deserve your love

-Is there any way I'll ever be good enough (x2)

-I don't know why he left, but I don't think he'll be coming back

-Relationships don't come easy to me

-I never learned how to love or how to stay when things get rough

-How do you know something you never see

-I feel like a hurricane, my heart is breaking

-It's been ripped down the middle

-I am ripped down the middle

-I feel like a lost cause

-All I ever do is screw up

-Ever since I was little I've been ripped down the middle

-Whatever I did, I would take it all back

-I'd circle the world to get back what we had

-Tell me what must I do to deserve your love

-Is there anyway I'll ever be good enough (x2)

-I've spent my life trying to hide all of my weakness from everyone

-I've try so hard to play the part, cover all my scars

-But it's never enough

-No, it's never enough

-Whatever I did, I would take it all back

-I'd circle the world for you mom and dad

-Tell me what must I do to deserve your love

-Is there anyway I'll ever be good enough (x2)

-Is there anything in this world that I could do?

-Is there anyway I'll ever be 

-Maybe I'm already

-Good Enough

As I stood there looking at Max's face with his hands on my face, I realized, He was crying. Does he even care though? Or are those pity tears? I grabbed his face and rested it in my hands.

Max's POV

I love this girl. She doesn't know it and I feel bad. This is all my fault. I did this. I ruined her happy life. It's not all me right? Her dad left her and her mom killed herself. It's not all me. I need to comfort this girl. Then, I took my hands at the back of her neck and kissed her. Yes, she kissed back. What can you say? I'm a ladies man. But never, to her, will I hurt her. Not to anyone ever again.

Do You Even Love Me? Mithzan X Happysmiles132Where stories live. Discover now