Chapter 1: holding on

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Original Authors: Morgana and VigoDC
Adaptation: VigoDc
Disclaimer: All characters belong to marvel
Huge thanks to Morgana for making this story possible!
I hope you enjoy this story!

Bucky' p.o.v.

I watch him fall and barely manage to hang on myself. The helicarrier is tearing itself apart. Explosions rock the vessel, and if he hadn't saved me earlier, I would probably be dead now. Why did he save me in the first place? We're enemies. Hydra ordered his death and for some reason I couldn't complete the mission. When I prepared to deliver the final blow something stopped me. Instead of killing him as Hydra ordered, I wanted to save him and I grew horrified at the amount of the damage I had done. Why? His face was a mess and he was bleeding from several bullet wounds. I was still trying to accept that I had hurt him so much when another severe explosion rocked the helicarrier, practically catapulting him off the vessel.

Hanging from one of the beams, I watch him fall toward the lake. The impact will stun him and chances are he will drown. A part of me rebels against that and wants to see him safe instead.

Another explosion rocks the helicarrier and it's time I made up my mind. What do I do? I might be able to hang for a few more minutes, but the helicarrier will go down eventually. Do I wait for that or do I jump after him and try to save him? In the end, letting go and diving after him is one of the easiest decisions I ever made. A deeply rooted urge to protect him overrides Hydra's conditioning. I have to get him out of the water and I need to make sure he survives. Saving him is more important than ensuring my own safety. It's like he's my everything.

As I hit the water, I draw in a deep breath and dive after him. The lake is deep and I plunge into darkness. It's hard to see where he went and it takes me a while before I locate him. I grab hold of his shoulder and pull him with me as I swim toward the surface. He's heavier than I thought and moving against the stream makes maneuvering hard. It doesn't help that I'm injured myself and that exhaustion is sneaking into my bones.

In the end, I reach the surface and release the breath I have been holding onto. My lungs were about to implode due to oxygen deprivation; it must be even worse for my... I don't know what he is to me, but he isn't my target anymore, that's for sure. He isn't moving, his eyes are closed and he seems completely unaware of what's happening. The fact that he's a dead weight doesn't help. I gather my last reserves and pull him along. I can't give up now.

Gritting my teeth, I tell myself to block the pain running through my shoulder and arm. The shoulder is dislocated and the arm probably broken, but I can't allow the pain stop me. The helicarrier is picking up speed on its way down and I desperately head for the shore. Once I get my feet beneath me, I drag him along, too tired and aching too much to actually hoist him up and carry him. Once we're safely ashore, I let go and drop him onto the ground. He shows no reaction and is dead to the world. I pull my injured arm close and support it. Fuck, my shoulder really hurts. He did quite a number on it.

An ominous sound makes me turn around and I watch the helicarrier as it hits the water. It causes a huge tidal wave and I'm glad we're out of the lake. The suction would have pulled us back in and we would have drowned. Looking about I wonder what to do. Hydra expects me to find my way back to them, but I don't want to go back. I'm sick and tired of the pain and their lies. Yes, I know that they lied to me. They told me that I knew my target because of an earlier mission, but it isn't true. I don't know how I know that, but I do. I remember him. I remember him calling me Bucky before. The name feels familiar, but I have no idea why and I'm not sure I want to find out.

Whatever I do, I need to make that decision now. His friends are looking for him and I might not survive another confrontation, not in my current state. Maybe this is the chance I've waiting for. Maybe this time I can get away from Hydra. This is my chance to get away from it all and it might be the only chance I'll ever get. I need to grab it. I turn around and want to walk away from my target – no charge, fuck, whatever he is.

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