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5 years later

'Mom, I'm going to skate with Guntars. I'll be back around six!'

'Okay, see you then. We'll eat a burger at Andrea's for your birthday, so you need to be home a bit earlier!'

'Okay mum, see you later!'

He was only gone for a few minutes when I heard an ambulance. A few seconds later I heard a police car too. What the hell was happening?

I walked down the stairs, out of the apartment. I couldn't believe my eyes. A few feet away from my front door had been a horrible accident. Some car ran over a young person, I was almost sure it was a kid, but I couldn't see it any better before they took him or her away. Poor mother. The blood was everywhere; the white car was almost completely red and on the streets was a small puddle. It was a great mess.

After a few seconds a police officer comes up to me.

'Excuse me madam, but can I be so rude to ask you if you live in the neighbourhood?'

'Oh, yeah. I live in this apartment building. What a tragedy that happened. I feel terrible for the parents.'

'I've never seen anything like this before too madam. But would you by any chance know a Taylor Alison Swift?'

'Oh, that's... That would be me.'


He takes a few seconds before he continues.

I begin to understand where this conversation is going. Would he? No, that would be impossible. He was long gone when the accident happened.

'I'm very sorry madam, but your son.'


'He has had an accident. He walked out of the apartment building and the driver couldn't see him coming. He's in the hospital now, but his condition is critical.'

I literally fall on the ground from the pain and break down crying. Why is this world so cruel? Why does god have to take my son, the only person I ever truly loved and cared for, instead of someone else. I couldn't live without him.

I tried for a few years, I really did, but it was just impossible. I lost him again on his birthday, on a snowy December. I wish I could go back again. Just a few minutes, to make him stay longer, so that that car couldn't....

Please stay alive Taylor, I love you so much, stay alive just for me.

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