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Jimin and you will getting married in an hour. You're very nervous. You take your phone and text Jimin.

"Oppa, I'm still can't believes that we're getting married."

Jimin reply you,
"Yeah, me too. But you're look like an angel in that white dress."

You're shock because the white dress is a surprise for Jimin.
"How do you know that I'm look like an angel ?"

"Come out to the balcony and look down."

You're run to the balcony of your room and look down to the garden. And there's Jimin that is smiling to you while holding a bunch of flower on his shoulder.

In hurry, you're run to your garden and hug Jimin.

"Yah oppa ! Why you're here ? You've should be in your house for our wedding."

"Nah, I've just miss my mrs. Park to be." He smirk.

You're blush. Suddenly, you're feel Jimin breathe at your ear.

He's whisper to your ear,
"Can't wait for you tonight, my love." He hug you tightly

You're blush but you're still hug him back.

The end~

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