BwiBwi (V)

16 4 0

Your pov

/annoying ringtone

It's Taehyung!



"What are you doing? "

"Nothing much.  Eat, rolling here and there and watch movie . "

" oh really?"

An awkward silent for a second.

"Oppa.  "

"Yes baby girl? "

"I'm alone at home rn.  Mind to accompany me? "

"I'm not sure about it "

"Pleaseeeeee.I'm home alone.  Something bad might happen to me.  Please."

"Okay then.  Do you want anything? "

"I just want you. Please come here .ppalli ppalli "

"Okay.  See you soon honey.  I'll be there"


Knock knock knock

"Who's there? "

"A man "

"Who's man? "

"Your man"


I open the door and give taehyung a koala hug.

"Do you miss me that much? "

"Erm so muchhhh" you kiss his cheek. 

Both of you got on the sofa and start cuddling.

You stare his cute handsome face .

"I'm bored "

"Darling? "

"Yes oppa"

"Now.  Go  get your hairband and your comb"

"For what? "

"It's a secret.  Go now "


You run to your room and get the things for him.

"Hereeee. " you gave the things to him.

"Sit here"

You just sit in front of him and stare him.

"Turn around "

You obeyed him.

He started to comb your hair and do something.

"Is it hurt you? "

"Not at all.  Tbh What are you doing ?"

"Braiding your hair? "

"Oh really?  Wow.  You're talented.  "

"I'm just trying this on you.I want to do this to our daughter as well"

"That's so sweet of you "

"Hehehe.  It's done. "


He took a picture of it and he showed to you

"How was it? "

"Waaaahh.  Darling you're the best.  "

"That's all? "

"Erm?  What do you mean? "

"As I mentioned earlier, I want a daughter.  So? "

You pushed V and ran into your room.

"Nice hide out dear.  "

He opened the door and smirked.

Up to your imagination HAHAHAHAHAH


I'm sorry if it wasn't good enough.  HAHAHAHAHA KBAI I LOVE YOU GUYS.

Yours truly ,


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