Chapter 4

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''The first rule of truly living is to do the thing you're most afraid of''

Arabella's POV:

My father comes in the room panicked, and I immediately sit up in my bed, he knows all too well that I can't sleep at night and he knew I was awake otherwise he wouldn't have barged into my room. ''You have to go now, here is the address'' is all he says, I don't understand why he was panicked but I stood up from my bed and because I was in shorts, I decide to put on my black skinny jeans and put the hoodie over my head as my father tells me the address.

I take the gun from my bedside table and put it behind me, in my jeans, I felt the coldness of it against my back. In the past I was scared of guns, I didn't like the feeling of having something so powerful in my hands. I didn't like the thought of me having the power to take away something as precious as someone's life, it is not something that I'm supposed to take, but when it comes to Harry it is different.

''Where is Mike?'' I ask him. ''He will go later to Harry's house after you confirm his location'' he tells me and I nod. Everything was so firm with my father, my relationship with my father is nonexistent, we don't talk about things that a father and daughter are supposed to talk about. The only conversation between us in the past two years are plans how to destroy Harry.

I go inside my car and start driving it, following the lead my father told me to. I never understood why my father doesn't come with us when we're doing something like this, doesn't he appreciate at least his son's and daughter's lives enough to come and help us if we're in trouble?

I sigh and park the car a few blocks away, as I get out of the car and see a gate in front of me, behind the gate there is a huge parking lot and a warehouse, because the warehouse is protected with a fence, I easily climb over it and jump on the other side. Dahlia and me always did this when we would go out and I am used to it, we had so much fun together.

I walk behind the huge warehouse and find a backdoor, I try opening it but I can as I roll my eyes. Everything has a loophole, locks are so easy to break in. I take out a bobby pin and wiggle it inside the locks, and after a couple of minutes I finally manage to open the door as slowly and as quietly as I can manage. I can hear voices, they are very distant, but I can still hear them talking, him talking. I follow the voices as close as I can without them noticing me and I hind behind a wall, where I can easily see them but they can't see me. There stood Harry with a gun in his hand, a few men around him and anther man in front of him that looks very frightened. I send my father a quick text that Harry is here and that Mike can go to his house.

I see a table and packages on top of it, when I see there is something white in them I immediately realize it's drugs, there must be over 10kg of drugs on the table. ''We agreed on much more than this'' Harry says as he points to the drugs with the hand that's holding the gun. ''I-I'm s-sorry Mr. S-Styles t-this is all I have'' the man stutters obviously scared of how frightening Harry looks.

''I said this is not enough!'' Harry yells and I flinch from his loud voice, if he yelled at me like this, I would probably cry, I don't know how people that deal with him manage to stay alive. Harry raises the gun and aims it towards the man and my eyes widen, I know I can't do anything about this, I will reveal myself and Harry would most likely kill me if he knows that I witnessed something like this. ''P-Please d-don't, I-I p-promise I-I will get t-them b-by tomorrow'' the man cries but Harry only shakes his head as he pulls the trigger and the lifeless body falls to the ground.

I put my hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming as tears form in my eyes, I push my body against the wall and let it slide down as tears run down my cheeks. I can not believe that I witnessed Harry murdering someone right in front of me. I can't handle this, I am not ready for this. I know my nightmares will get even worse after I have experienced this, he is a monster, a cold hearted monster.

''Well, well, well look what we have here'' a voice says and stands in front of me as I look up at him. I don't recognize the scary man that stands in front of me, looking at me like he won the lottery by finding me here. He must have come from the back of the warehouse because he wasn't standing in the room with Harry. I look at him in fear with pleading eyes that he would let me go but what he said was loud enough to catch the attention of Harry and the others which were standing in the silent room.

The man grabs my upper arm and stands me up on my feet as I still can't control the tears streaming down my face, I don't want to cry and show Harry that I am weak and I desperately try to stop myself from crying. He forces me to walk in the room as Harry's eyes widen in surprise, obviously not expecting to see me here. How will I get out of this situation?

''What are you doing here?'' Harry's eyes narrow at me as he asks me, I feel my heart pounding faster at the sight of him, my fear is uncontrollable when I'm around him. ''I-I was lost'' I lie and he smirks at me obviously not believing my lie, he comes closer to me and I try to step away from him, backwards but the man holding me does not allow me as he keeps his tight grip on my upper arm, I would surely have a bruise tomorrow.

''Lost, huh'' Harry asks as he smirks against when he sees how helpless I am right now. He will kill me, I know he will.

He comes forwards even more until he stands right in front of me, bringing his hand on my cheek as he caresses it slowly. ''How much did you see, beautiful?'' he asks me slowly as I flinch away from him. ''Let me go'' I tell him and he chuckles. ''You don't set the rules here darling, this is my territory you're invading'' he threatens me and I look up at him as he brushes the tears from my face with his thumb. I feel uncomfortable under his lustful gaze, he makes me feel nervous and afraid. I feel anxiousness when I'm around him and I'm very upset, I can't control my emotions.

''What am I going to do with you?'' he asks as he turns around and walks away thinking. This is my opportunity to escape and I make that decision very fast before anyone can stop me. I hit the man that was holding me in his throat with my elbow making him choke as he lets go of my arm. I kick him in the stomach with my knee and push him down on the ground as he falls on his knees. I quickly take out my gun from behind me and I put the gun against his head.

Harry watches me in surprise as all of the men standing in the room behind him take out their guns and aim them towards me, at least 10 guns are aimed at me at the same time, but right now the adrenaline I'm feeling inside of me numbs my pain and fear and I am not afraid of anything. ''Now I set the rules'' I tell him and he smirks at me.

''My men will shoot you faster than you can blow his brains out'' Harry says, which is true but I can't back down now, I have to hold my ground and show him that I am not afraid, I can't show him that I'm bluffing even though I know I don't have the guts to kill this man. ''I don't believe that you can pull the trigger love, you couldn't even handle watching me murder someone'' he says again, I feel like he can see right through me and that makes me even more scared. He reads me like I'm an open book even though he doesn't know me.

''Don't underestimate me'' I say to him. I make the men in front of me stand up on his legs as a shield my body with his own huge one, I walk backwards, dragging him with me as fast as I can. I shoot the gun towards the ceiling a few times, distracting them as I quickly get out of the back door before pushing the guy on the floor again.

I see them chasing after me and I run as fast as I can, going back from the way I came, I climb the fence again and when I jump over it and see them all, including Harry running towards me and they starts climbing the fence as well. I show them my middle finger and run as fast as I can to my car, starting it and driving away quickly.

I don't know where I will go but I can't go home right now, I continue driving on the highway as fast as I can seeing behind me that they stopped chasing after me, giving up. Harry has the power to find me as easily as snapping his two fingers and I know that it's not safe for me anywhere right now as I make the decision to keep driving on the road. I breathe heavily and my attempts to calm down are not working, I take the gun from my lap and throw it on the passenger seat as I put down the hoodie, running my fingers through my hair.

I can't believe that I escaped him but right now I don't know if there is any place for me to go.

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