Chapter 1

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HI! I'm back again, but this time with Merlin. i love time-travel, who doesn't love time-travel? oh, you over there? Well, i'm sorry to disappoint but you're trapped here Karen. ANYway. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

Colin pulled up his shiny white car to a dying park in the middle of an over expensive French city. This place would have to be the most ugly, brown, dead, over grown park he has ever been to. Perfect.

You see, Colin here was looking for something that contrasted with France's beautiful and romantic stereotype, he travelled all over, just to find this. Just to take a photo. Yeah, Colin's a professional photographer.

2016, almost 800 years since Merlin last saw Camelot at its finest. Since he last saw Arthur. Now, the once noble and morale people of the world were... well let's not crazy but over enthralled about everything. A girl sees a caterpillar? She better take a photo. A guy witness a cloud move? Oh! Put it on the internet. Everything is getting recorded and documented in 2016 better than any other of the years that Merlin has lived through. Not that he minds, that is his job nowadays anyway.

Merlin goes by another name now, Colin Morgan. He found that his name makes people giddy around him, because of the 'Arthurian' legend stuff. Merlin found some of the points wrong but that was perfectly fine. Even if it meant he was remembered to look like Dragoon the Great than his actual amazing self. Learning what society thought of him was fun and came with some plusses. He had his own TV show and everything! Thank you, BBC.

In 2016, Merlin was a well-respected photographer, historian, scientist, scholar, known traveller and Friend of the Crown of England. Yes, there is such thing. Merlin was happy with what he has become and found that waiting for Arthur in this century was easier than the last. New things invented and all. The technology was overwhelming and the medical advances made him wish Gaius was here just so he could see his expression.

He was living in France at the moment. Well, sort of living. He was on a job with his other 'war photographer' friends, Bradley and Angel. (yeah, yeah, I know I'm just changing the actor profession to photographer ok). Yes, he was a photographer, it's not that weird for an immortal to be ok, it may sound like a boring job, but if you think about it all he does it take photos of things that wouldn't happen in everyday life for the rest of society to see, so he gets to travel around the world. It's fun really.

Though not everything changed, he still wore his infamous grin and red neckerchief, though the piece of cloth around his neck was fitted and not just a 'piece of cloth' anymore. He still had that charm that would make anyone his friend. But now, he had better clothes and comfier beds. Wearing a blue-grey T-shirt, black denim jeans, and dark hiking boots, Colin stepped out of his rental car and readjusted his neckerchief. Gently gabbing a hold of his Nikon D500 camera that was dangling around his neck, Colin looked around and picked the perfect spot to take a shot.

Not many things shocked Merlin anymore, except for the fact that many people believe that magic doesn't exist, poor warlocks that have to go around a world that refuses to acknowledge magic! They are magic. Yeah, there are more warlocks now than ever, but not as many sorcerers now that he thinks about it. And then there were people who did believe in magic, but it was cards and illusions that anyone could do to manipulate the mind. So, when he was pulled aside from a particularly dark part of the park by an odd-looking lady telling him to "follow" he just went with it. Maybe he could get another photo. She pulled him by the arm into an alcove garden, which was placed where trees and bushes hid it. This must be the middle of the park, he thought. It was actually quite mysterious, all dark except for the blotches of light that made it through some less dense trees, so he took a quick snap.

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