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This is weird. I've only talked to this woman once, back when Tyler tries to..end himself. Here I am, in this strange yet familiar cream room with a brown wooden floor, sitting awkwardly in front of a therapist.
"So, Casey.."
"There's no reason to be so tense. I'm not gonna bite!"
", why am I here, exactly..?"
"We need to talk about your relationship with your brother. And I want you to remember, everything you tell me is confidential, unless you want me to tell someone."
"Right. I thought..we got along well though..does he not like me?"
"That's not it at all. This session is purely my idea. Some things need..sorted out between you two."
"Now, I want you to answer this question completely honestly, from your heart and brain. What do you think about your brother?"
"Uh..well, he's awesome.."
"Uh huh..."
"He..he's helped me a lot through things. Like..I'm gay, and he helped me come out to everyone. I care a lot about him. And lately..." I trail off, not knowing how to confess what I was about to.
"Lately..what? Remember, I won't tell anyone unless you want me to."
"Well..lately, he's seemed different. He jumps or tenses up when I touch him. He always seems affected a Lou by how I act towards things. I guess..maybe I've been acting strange lately to, but-"
She clicks her pen and interrupts me. "How so?"
"How have I been acting strange..?"
"W-well..he's making me act this way. And I don't know how or why. Like..a few days ago after he came the car, I held his hand, which I usually only do when we're walking or something. At home, we were cleaning. I asked if he'd go to the park with me. When I went up to check on him, I did something really weird. I lifted his chin up, and I couldn't help but to stare I to his sparkly green eyes.. I ran my thumb over his bottom lip, and started leaning closer to him. I don't know why though...I almost..kissed him. I really wanted to, and I have no clue why!! When we were at the park, I almost kissed him again! But..I caught myself. I didn't want things to seem strange again, so I kissed his cheek.
He asked me to stop teasing him, but I don't know what he meant by that.."
" do you..feel about him?"
(How do I feel..?)
"I-I don't know. He's my brother, so I know it's wrong but..I think..I don't feel like his brother really. I have..different feelings for him. I even asked my dad at his grave if..he might give me a chance..give me a little help. He broke up with his girlfriend, and I thought I might have a chance! But..he likes another guy, so.."
"Who is it?"
"He won't tell me. He gave me clues though."
"Well, the second letter of the first name is 'a', and the middle name starts with 'd'. That's all he'll say though.."
"I can try to help you.."
"Sure. Give me the names of 'a' 'd' people."
"Alright..Bane Digh, Zack David, Cane Daniel, Eathan Dawn...those are the only ones I can think of."
"What's your middle name?"
"Huh? Oh..Danté. Why..?"
"Well, that fits the description too, doesn't it?"
(I..didn't think of that!)
"Y-yeah, I guess it does."
"So, who do you think he may like?"
"Umm..Eathan. They hang out a lot. He doesn't really talk to the others."
"What about you? Do you think he might like you?"
"Probably not. I mean..we're brothers!"
"But you like him, right..?"
(True, but...)
"Casey, if he liked you, would you want to be with him?"
"Of course I would.."
"Okay. Do you want my view on things?"
"I'm not saying for sure, but I think he may have some type of feelings for you. If you really want to be with him, you may need to show your feelings more. He seems a bit..slow when it comes to realizing others' feelings.
"A-alright. I have a question.."
"What if I...kissed him..? I've been tempted for a long time, but the urge to do it is really strong now.."
"I'll put it this way. His bond with you is strong enough that if you kissed him, he wouldn't hate you. However, I'm not sure how he will react. You'll just have to give it a shot and see. Never know until you try."
"Well, it seems our time is up. It's been a pleasure talking to you again, and I wish you luck!"
I walk out and go I to the waiting room. Tyler comes up to me, smiling brightly.
"It's strange..we've switches positions!"
Tyler grabs my hand, as I always do with him. But..I feel..different when he does it.

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