Just Wondering

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Why do people keep their heart hurt
and blame others for that,
Why do people complain much about things
they don't even like,
While they don't realize,
We were just the same.
Also what does it feels like
to know every single thing
and to be the first one.
to wear this,
to apply that,
to do this,
to say that,
What do people always aim for,
What do people think when they
observe the life all alone.
What do bestfriends feel like,
When they realised one was left alone
What do they hope for a good future.
Why they stab ones back,
While they know how much it hurts.
What it takes to make a person happy,
Why we always try hard to win a heart
that actually belongs to another person.
Why don't people give up
even when they hurt so much.
Know the truth,
but keep doing what they don't have to.
I was in a total confusion,
then somebody came an tell
Cause It Is Life

Written by Fnab

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