Chapter 1- Alida

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Chapter 1- Alida

Hello. Welcome.


'...Goodness where the hell did It go bloody hell...' "GOT IT! YES!" I yell out

I finally found the bloody shoe that my 7 year old baby nephew had taken out of the suit as I was packing and threw it across the room, as much as I love the kid he's going to be the death of me. I look over to where I left my little niece and nephew and see my niece Cara Amor chewing out her older brother of 13 minuets because he made "Auntie Mommy upset after he threw the shoe" my nephew Aaryan Asher who is already a great deal protective of Cara and I is just looking at his feet mum merging that he is sorry to little Cara.

" I'm sorry Rara please don't be mad at me" Aaryan said looking at his sister with puppy dog eyes "I didn't mean to make Auntie Mommy mad I just wanted to play"

"I'm not mad at you Ryry, but I don't know about Auntie Mommy you should go apowogise" Car says to him. I chuckle at the way she says apologize.

"Baby Cara it's apologize not apowogise" I say they both jump not hearing me walk over to them.

Aaryan runs over to me tears in his eyes

" I apowogise Auntie Mommy" he says hugging my leg. I chuckled again and shake my head at his pronunciation of apologize but say nothing and bend down to hug him right back

"It's okay Ry just don't do it again Auntie Mommy is a little busy at the moment okay?" I say " why don't you to go pick out what toys you want to play with during the plane ride" I say to bothe Cara and Aaryan,

They both yell "okay" and run into there playroom, my mothers room, well it was her room until my 'father' drove her so crazy she was sent to a mental ward I look out of the window I'm next to only to see my so called father having sex with the dumb bitch he left my mother and us for, I quickly turn away God does he really need to be doing that in him back yard when he knows that 1. His daughter lives next door and CAN SEE HIM VERY CLEARLY and 2. That I have two young children in the house with me. The man has no decency he's half of the reason I'm moving the twins and I across the country the other reasons include the fact that I need to get away from the memory of my sister Cher's death she died after birth to Cara but not before naming her two baby's and making sure that I got full custody of them so that our disgrace of a father never has a chance in court with me if he decidedly he wants them, and the fact that my mother hasn't talked to me since she's bine in the asylum and ever time I go to visit her I always get the same response from the nurses

"Sorry Ms.Drusys, Mz.Drusys says she wants nothing to do with you"

It's always the same she is still in love with my father and belives that me and my sister are the cause of her problems so I'm done me and my little twins are moving, well that is if I can ever finish packing!


(2 hours later)

"Okay Cara Aaryan it's a 5 1/2 hour plane ride you have to pinkie swear to your Auntie Mommy that you will be good and behave like the little angels I know you can be Okay?" I say to the twins as we buckle into our plane seats, Cara just nods with enthusiasm her

auburn curls going everywhere and her blue eyes full of excitement

"I pinkie swear Auntie Mommy" Aaryan says his green eyes maching the enthusiasm in Caras as he holds out his pinkie to me

I wrap me pinkie around his and then do the same with Caras, then I check there seatbelts and once I'm done with that Cara and Aaryan play quietly with the toys that I let them bring.

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