Chapter 2-Nigel

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Chapter 2- Nigel

Hello. Welcome,


The doors of the library open and my head snakes up from the book I was reading and I see my father, Hades, standing there

"You said you wanted to talk son?" He ask

"Yes father I would like to go to Earth" I say standing up to my full 6'7 height

Shock replaces the calm look that had once been on his face

"Earth?" He ask "Why Earth son?"

"I would like to go to Earth because I would like to have contact with the species that I am part of" I state

"Son, you are only half human" Hades says sitting down, his eyes telling me to do the same, I sit

"Still father I would like to have some contact with humans" I say thinking back to the book I was just reading. It was about humans and there traditions and different religions. "They seem very interesting and I would like to observe them"

Hades sighs and rubs his temples "I knew this day was coming when you started to read those books about humans" he says in a thoughtful voice.

We just sit there I'm silence for a while both of us in deep in out own thoughts until Hades breaks the silence that had envelope us

"I will tell you what son, you can go into the human world until your 25th birthday, so you have exactly a year since today is your 24th birthday but by your 25th birthday you must be ready to take over for me as Lord of the Underworld" he says

I think about that it's a pretty good deal "I agree father, thank you" I say standing up so I can pack"

"Son, sit down I'm not done you must also have a bride by then. One who is willing to enter the Underworld and live by your side for as long as needed until your heir is ready to take charge"

I look at Hades shocked I never had given and thought about getting married let alone having children. I had always thought that eventually, somewhere in the far future I would just marry one of the many demon woman that enter the Underworld, but I think about it and it seems fine I mean I will just have fun and a couple days before I head back to the Underworld I will just find some woman I mean it's not like anyone can resist me if I don't say so my self I am a very attractive man.

" I agree father" I say with a secret smile on my lips. Hades gives me a look that say he know what I am thinking and shakes his head saying something so low that only he can hear

"Go pack son. I will arrange a place for you to stay and set up a story for you" he says with a small secret smile of his own

"Yes father" I say and walk out of the library and down the palace corridor to my wing and bedroom silently dancing with joy.


(2 hours later)

I'm siting in the airplane, waiting for take off, father has arranged a flight to Green River Falls saying that if I had just shown up it would have looked odd so now I have to sit on this invention of humans for 5 1/2 hours with humans all surrounding.

I look around observing the humans during take off some are holding hands while others look bored, after take off I am looking throught the invention I have in my hands which father calls a phone to find the adress of my house when a loud noise makes my automatically look up only to see it came from the two children sitting next to me at the plane,

God human children seem so annoying always so hyper and happy I think and glare at the woman who sits with the two children who made the noise

I am shocked when she meets my glare with one of her own fury present in her eyes wow I just smirk at her and look back to my phone

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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