Chapter 7

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A/N: Okay so this chapter deals with some switching POVs. Don't worry though they are labelled pretty clearly. So tell me what you think in the comments.



Kyle was a friend that I didn’t think I could have gotten. I had plenty of friends from school but none that I felt as close to as Kyle. I mean there was something about him that just made us click. From the day we met, I’ve felt that he was something of a brother I never had. When he told me he was gay, I was surprised for sure, but it also made me realized that he too felt this connection we had to have him trust me enough with this secret.

But that was before he started hanging around with that Corey dude. I mean he was a nice guy from what I could tell, but seeing as I wasn’t really friends with him I couldn’t be sure. When Kyle started hanging around Corey, I got a little suspicious. Corey was a hot guy, denying it would have been pointless. Kyle on the other hand was the shy new kid. Now from what I could piece together, people like Corey and Kyle don’t usually hang out much. I was stereotyping but there was some truth to it.

It didn’t help that Corey gave Kyle rides a little too many times for it to be simply friendly. I had noticed that Corey lived on campus, which made me a little suspicious when I saw Corey giving Kyle rides to school. I mean it was one thing to send someone home, but getting up early when you live on campus, only to go fetch someone and come back was a little odd to say the least.

Ever since this friendship between Corey and Kyle started, I have never had a weekend to spend with Kyle. The first couple of weeks we hung out during the weekends, me showing him around town and what not. But his weekends have mysteriously been full ever since they started hanging out.

I had suspected that Kyle and Corey were dating, but I discredited that because Kyle would have told me about it. Wouldn’t he? Not only that but Corey had showed no indications of being gay, and I could’ve sworn I’ve seen him flirting a little with a couple of girls before. I tried to think of other possibilities but nothing came to me. There was the possibility that Corey was in the closet though. In which case I felt a sudden feeling of protection for Kyle. If he was indeed in the closet, I wondered how Kyle felt about it. It must be horrible to have a secret relationship.

It was a Friday and I was going to try to hang with Kyle that weekend. After class that day I managed to catch up with him in the hallway. He was heading out to the car park, I assumed on his way home. Fortunately for me he was alone that time, Corey nowhere to be seen. I ran up to him, calling his name. He turned when he heard me and gave a warm smile.

“Hey Angie.” He greeted.

“Hey. I was wondering if you were free tomorrow. Perhaps we could hang out or something. Catch a movie maybe?” I suggested.

“Oh I would love that.” For a moment I thought it was an acceptance of my invitation. “But unfortunately, I already have other plans this weekend.” I would say I was a little disappointed if not for the fact that I was expecting that reply.

“Oh, well some other time then.” I said, turning and about to walk away.

“How about next week?” He called out. “You free on Monday? Next weekend is fine if you want too.” He said and I smiled.

“Monday’s great. See you after class then.” With that he turned and headed back to his truck. I, on the other hand headed to the library to do a little research on a paper I was doing. After so long Kyle and I were going to hang out again, something that I had been wanting to do for so long and I admit that I was happy about it.

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