The Prince

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This was the most horrible thing he ever attended to. It must have been over one hour of sitting on his throne and greeting women over women, girls over girls. Some were less repulsive than others but he couldn't imagine any of them to be his bride. He sunk into his chair more and more by the second until the last visitor was introduced to him.
Every muscle in his body tensed from preventing him to fall onto his knees the moment he lay eyes on this beautiful creature that by any means couldn't be human.
His short light blue hair were in perfect harmony with his eyes and the violet jacket that glistened like snow in the sun. The black gloves only covered his arms and his thumbs to leave his slender fingers be revealed. He looked like a man and yet slightly feminine. Everything about him was contrary like this. His facial features were sharp while his eyes caught his with a fondness he has never experienced before. His shoulders were broad while his hips were thin.
The prince couldn't help himself and stood up, taking a few steps. He had to be near him.
His heart beat fast as his hand was taken with such care and it almost exploded when his hand felt the kiss that was so light yet it seemed to burn itself into his skin.
"Sir Cinderello, your Majesty." Simon, his premier servant, announced. The name filled his head and put it together with the man in front of him. It fitted perfectly. It was unique and extraordinary just like him.
He then realized that he had to say something. "A pleasure to meet You, Sir Cinderello." He finally managed to bring out and couldn't wait to hear the others voice for it had to be like as unimaginably gorgeous as the whole man himself.
"Vice versa, my Majesty."
The deep yet soft tone of his voice sent shivers all over the prince's body. He couldn't help but notice that he said my Majesty not your. And he didn't mind at all.
A tiny smile appeared on Cinderello's lips of which the feeling on the prince's hand was still prickling.
"Your Majesties, the introduction is now over. I'll be at the prince's side if anything is the matter.
His mother, the Queen, raised herself from her throne, remarkably sighing.
"Now my dear, has anyone caught your eye so far?" She asked but the prince only had eyes for the godlike men who vanished into the crowd after throwing a quick look over his shoulder.
"I, ah, I haven't. However, the introduction went by fairly fast, didn't it? I need to talk to some of them before I can make my choice." The prince quickly answered after some seconds of silence.
"Fine then, son. Go ahead and bring me an honourable soon-to-be wife." She waved him away and he couldn't obey fast enough.
The prince ignored the girls nearest to him that, of course, wanted to gain his attention and pushed his way through the bodies standing quite close. His head turned and twisted while he tried to avoid all the hands that wanted to grab his arm and keep him for a conversation.
Always on the look for the light blue hair and the violet jacket he felt the breeze coming through the open terrace door. It was after he crossed the complete hall that he remembered it and turned back. Nobody in this room would open the door and go outside while the most important persons in the world were inside.
The prince slipped outside, cold fresh air hitting his skin, making his body quiver. He looked around until he caught Cinderello's eyes that were already staring at him. The wind weighed his blue hair in its arms and the prince had to raise his voice so the other could understand him.
"Why are You out here?"
The indication of a smile sneaked its way onto Cinderello's lips. "I hoped You would come to find me. There are way to many people inside to be undisturbed. I bet the girls are desperately looking for You right now."
The prince lowered his head grinning. "Well, honestly I don't really care about girls. Or women."
He heard steps coming closer and a hand appeared in his view. He raised his eyes and discovered Cinderello standing in front of him, one arm behind his back and the other expectantly hovering before him.
He slightly narrowed his eyes in confusion but laid his hand in his nevertheless.
Cinderello took his hand tighter and pulled him along into an unknown direction. They turned around a corner and ran further until they landed in a dead end.
"What are we doing here?" He asked but the mysterious man just led him against the wall behind which to his surprise stairs were hidden.

The stairs went up to the small roof that the prince never knew of. 

How do you know of this place?" Eyes wide with amazement he let go of Cinderello's hand and stood at the balustrade, enjoying the view of his empire under the stars.
"My best friend works at the castle." The deep soft voice suddenly raised near the prince's ear. It sent shivers all over his body and he had the urge to lean against Cinderello's chest, however he didn't have to for the man behind him closed the gap between them and slipped his arms around his waist.

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