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"Ah'll shoot ya!"

"Yer too much of a—"

"Ah dare ya ta finish that sentence."

"Okay. Yer too much of a—"

I swung the back porch door open, and made sure it made a loud enough noise to catch everyone's attention. My frown only deepened when I caught the optics of all bots in the clearing. I folded my arms over my chest, walking off the back porch and onto the grass, looking up at the three bots in the area.

Crosshairs had the muzzle of his gun pressed under Hounds chin, whilst Hound had one of the largest cannons ever, pressed against Crosshairs midsection.I could hear the hum of the weapons. Drift stood a good yard or two away, arms folded, a cocky half-smile on his face. Both green Autobots had bilious looks on their faceplates— although Hounds was slightly more relaxed than Crosshairs. I knew he had an issue with his temper. And his ego. 

"How many god damned times do I have to tell you guys to not do stupid shit like this?" I yelled up at them, tightening my arms, and knitting my brows together. Let it be known, I was sick of their bullshit.

Hound's expression switched to bored as he looked down at me. "I'm not even sure what the hell this sparklin's doin' 'ere, but I didn't start anythin'." He said, shoving his gun into Crosshairs stomach, causing the paratrooper to stumble back.

Crosshairs retaliated quickly by moving his gun to Hound's shoulder, and firing one bullet. At this close range, the bullet did enough damage to tick off Hound and get a response from the older bot. 

Hound fired his weapon into the ground in front of Crosshairs. He obviously knew how fatal a real shot would have been. 

The dirt and grass exploded everywhere, sending Crosshairs falling onto his back just behind the large hole Hound had created in the ground. I was showered with dirt, rocks, and blades of grass, as the debris from the explosion settled.

The noise wasn't even loud, but the large hole in the ground and the dirt everywhere was enough to drive me mad. My arms drops to my sides, as my mouth gaped open. I looked down at me and the piles of dirt all around me, covering the wooden porch with fresh soil. 

I stood rigid, as I moved my head up to look at Hound, dirt falling from my hair as I moved. Drift walked my way, the smug look on his face replaced with annoyance and concern. I could still hear the slight sizzle, and could see tiny flames poking out from inside the hole.

Hound— I could tell— was holding back an amused look by the pained one on his face. Crosshairs, I'm sure, was covered in more dirt and grass than I was. He refused to move from the ground, a short and quiet grunt escaping his frame.

I didn't even have to make an angry face for Hound to drop his weapon, transform, and haul ass off my property. The stray dirt under his tires was only kicked up as he skidded around the house and down the road. I waited until the roar of his engine and his tires on the gravel was gone before I blinked.

I still hadn't moved, but the dirt was slowly falling down my shirt and into the top of my jeans. I was thoroughly uncomfortable with all this dirt on me. I could see it on the bridge of my nose, I could feel it all in my hair, and I could definitely feel it just about everywhere else.

Drift knelt down in front of me, and cocked a golden brow ridge. "Are you...alright?" He asked hesitantly, reaching out a hand and brushing some of the dirt off my shoulder lightly. I slowly reached up a hand and brushed the dirt off my face quite aggressively, undoubtably smearing some of the charred grass on there too. 

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