Chapter 3: Close Call

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Mark's POV.

"Where's the car Wade?"

"What do you mean?"

"We're on the other side of the goddamn school! What do you think, what do I mean? I mean, how do we get back?"

"Dang Mark. It's not hard to get to the front of a school. We'll be fine. C'mon, let's go," Bob said.

"Mandy is with her, right? I don't want Molly left alone. Not with all of those infected running around. She's okay, right?"

"Yeah buddy. Molly and Mandy are okay. I promise you. They'll be fine. Bob and I left them with your bat and a pocket knife. Let's just get back there. I can find a way back. Follow me."

Bob and I followed Wade for a while and trusted he knew where he was leading us. Strangely, but thankfully, we didn't run into any of the infected beings while we ventured back to the car. Once I began to think we were lost, I saw the car. I ran ahead and to the corner of the building, crowbar ready to swing at whatever gross thing could be waiting on the other side. But there wasn't one. No, there was an entire horde. I carefully scanned through and saw Mandy and Molly under the car, hiding. Watching The Walking Dead helps, apparently, when something like this would happen. The herd of the ill and gruesome dead didn't notice them. Thank god. I heard Wade and Bob stop in their tracks behind me and Wade gasped. I covered his mouth with my hand before he could say anything and he complied with my gesture. I crouched down, Mandy and Molly's attention on me, and told them to stay quiet and calm. Not to say a word and let the huge group pass. They nodded and I pulled Wade and Bob back, out of sight of the dead, under a dumpster. Wade only agreed because Molly and Mandy were still able to see us.

"Mark," Bob whispered. "What happened to your glasses?"

"They broke. I don't remember bringing my spare inside, though. They're in the car. Two other pairs," I told him.

"I have a pair. Do you need them? They were at my place when we did Drunk Minecraft one night about a week and a half ago. I knew you'd be an idiot and lose or break them somehow when you called me today, so I grabbed them. Here." Bob handed me the glasses and I put them on.

I saw an infected off course with the others and it was heading towards us. I covered Bob and Wade's mouths so they'd stay quiet. I looked over and the girls under the car and they saw what was going on. They looked at us wide-eyed and I shook my head mouthing the words 'Stay still. We'll be okay' and they nodded, understanding what I was saying to them. The stragler of the horde sniffed around our dumpster a bit, causing Wade to have a silent breakdown. He just kept shaking his head, trying not to freak out. Bob and I watched as it tripped and fell. It could have easily seen us with a simple turn of its head, but luckily it hadn't. I clenched my jaw tight so I wouldn't do or say anything, and so did Bob. Wade looked paralyzed. I pat his shoulder and he calmed down so the infected would have a better chance at leaving us alone. It just kept circling the dumpster we were under, causing another one of the god forsaken beings to make its way over to us, seeming interested in what could be in or maybe even under the dumpster. I was scared out of my mind, but silent as a mouse. Bob covered his mouth with his hands and took small and shaky breaths. I was just glad the things couldnt hear us. Wade was still as could be and didn't mutter a single sound or word.

After five minutes of eerie silence and nerve racking anticipation, the mutated beings slowly started walking away, reuniting with the end of the horde that was passing by Molly and Mandy. I shook my head no when they began to move from out of under the car, signaling it was much too early to go into the open. I watched as they all made their way about fifty meters away from all five of us, and I slowly and quietly made my way out from under the dumpster and crouch-walked my way over to Mandy and Molly. I helped them make their way into the open and I grabbed out the cleanser and bandage in my pocket for Molly's arm and sat her on the ground to clean the wound. Molly winced in pain as I poured the cleanser onto her arm. I apologized and wiped it with a cloth and put the banages on it. I could only hope it'd work for as long as I'd hoped.

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