Chapter 16: Group of Three Cafe

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Wade's POV.

"Why can't we just keep going? There's stickers every other block, around almost every other corner. Tom. Please. Let's just go further for a while. That okay?" I asked everyone.

"It's getting late. You really wanna risk the increase of infected roaming around?" Trace asked.

"Yes. A million times yes. We have to. Did it ever cross your mind that the reason we haven't found Mark yet is because he's always moving? And we keep stopping?"

"Well, he can't go on forever."

"But he goes on longer than we do, obviously. I resent the decision, but if guys don't go, I will. No matter who stays behind."

"You'd leave us here?" Bob asked.

"Unless you came with, then I'd have no other choice. I want Mark and that kid back. They are needed here. Maybe not by you all, but by me. Yeah, I need my best friend. And with that, I'm going to find him. Anyone who wants to follow can. But you need to decide before I get too far."

"Wait," Stacy said. "I'll go with you. Let me grab my stuff. Trace, you should come too."

"Shot in the dark, literally," Trace began. "But I don't see a good enough reason why not. Be easier if we hadn't had to abandon the cars. Sucks they ran outta juice."

"Molly?" I asked, catching her attention. "Please go with?"

"I shouldn't leave everyone else alone. I can't just leave Mandy, Bob, Tom, Devin and Elise."

"It'll only be four, Molly. I'm going with them," Elise stated. "It's four on four. You're the tie-breaker. Are we all staying or going? Tom or Wade?"

"I-I don't know. Of course I want to get Mark back. But I don't want to risk everyone getting hurt with all the infected at night," Molly admitted.

"You'll let your boyfriend go out while you stop to get your beauty sleep? That's pathetic."

"Elise, really. I don't know."

"You all are dicks." There's Bob. "Wade, c'mon, let's go find our buddy and that sneaky kid."

"Yeah, guys. We got to find them as soon as humanly possible," Mandy said.

"Tom, please. Let's find your brother and his little side kick. We'll gain a lot of ground and who knows, they could be just around the corner. And if we stayed here, we'd miss him. I need Mark. We all need Mark. He lead this group, he has to come back. Last chance before I leave with these guys. Your choice. But we all know that you couldn't pass up on finding Mark if it was only a few hours of trekking through the falling snow."

"Dang it. Wade. I want nothing more than to have him back here, but I have no idea where he could be or-"

"We look until the stickers stop. Or until we find a little shop or something like a diner or café that looks like Mark would be there."

"Dammit. Devin, Molly, I can't leave the possibility of finding him left alone. Let's just go." Finally he's agreeing with me.

"Okay guys, lets go. Only a few hours. Promise. Let's grab the walkie-talkies Mandy got us and go," I told them. They all nodded in agreement.

I grabbed my bag, grabbed the bat I had strapped to the side of my backpack and slung the straps over my shoulders. I turned to look at everyone and gestured them to walk with me. They complied, grabbed their things and we started our extended search for Mark and Chloe. God, I hope they're close by.

Mark's POV.

"So, do you have a group close by or anything?" Mokuren asked.

"Nine others," Chloe spat.

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