Chapter 12: On My Way

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Mark's POV.

"Hey! Wait! No, I'm not going to hurt you, you have to believe me!" I yelled.

I'd left Tom, Wade, Molly, Bob, Mandy and everyone at the abandoned hotel at 4:25 this morning. I was going to Chicago. I'd left a video to tell Tom where I was going on his iPhone so he didn't kill himself trying to find me. After over an hour of walking and jogging my way through Cincinnati, I'd ran into a couple of stragglers just trying to survive through all this. There were two people, actual people, running around town, wanting to survive just as much as I did. I saw them in an alley, ten miles from the hotel I just came from. I tried to talk to them, but one of the men pointed a gun at my head. I remembered I had a gun of my own. A few at that. I pulled out the black pistol I had tucked in my belt and fired off shots right before the tall, stocky, black hair, icy blue eyed guy had a chance to do the same at me. He fell to the ground in a heap with a thud. The other guy, blond hair, emerald green eyed, average height and build, also pulled out a gun. I had a revolver pointed at my chest and upon my own instinct, I fired off three more times. I had killed the other threat to my life. As I fired, the pressure of the gun going off, threw my arm back. I was right handed, and my right arm was the injured one, firing a gun.

The affect the pressure had on my arm was painful, to put it simply. Every type of pressure I used on it made me wince. Throwback from firing a loaded weapon wasn't going to be my friend today. I knew I only had a few minutes to get out of there when I heard faint growling and gargled screams in the distance behind me. I knew that sound anywhere. The infected had obviously heard me fire my pistol. I ran down the alleyway, over to the two newly dead corpses and ransacked them for weapons and ammunition. I never forgot to grab as much ammo as possible since I had that dream the other night. I found twenty rounds and a few steel pipes and a crowbar all together in their bags. The growling gradually got louder as I stayed where I was with the bodies, looking for whatever I could to help me on my way to Chicago. But I knew I had to leave. Now would be a good option if I wanted to live.

"Okay Mark," I told myself. "You've got to leave. Tom could be up soon and he'd start looking for me. I know my arm hurts, but I'll be okay later. I've got to get out of here. Let's go."

I ran as far away as I needed to, to get away from the alley. Just in the knick of time too. By the time I got a fairly safe distance from the scene of the murders I just committed, I heard the infected start to tear away at their limbs and insides. I was grateful that I wasn't there, if I was just a few feet closer, the demonic creatures would've been able to smell my open wound. The crimson red blood it would take no effort to run up and start drinking away would certainly be more tempting to those things than the two man snack they were practically served to on a silver plate, courtesy of me. I put my gun back on my belt and kept running through town. After almost an hour of going around town and into whatever store I could find that had something I needed or if I needed to take a few minute break from being so active. I decided I'd send out another video to Tom to explain the gun shots he heard. I pulled out my phone and began my video.

"Hey there big brother," I started. "Yeah it's Mark again, that irritatingly stubborn little brother you're looking for, and you heard right, those were gunshots booming throughout the city. That was me murdering two people. In my defense, they tried to kill me first. But I'm okay. The throwback hurt my injured arm a bit. I'm doing okay. I really hope you and everyone else are too. I'm still going to Illinois. I hope you don't hate me for this. But it's gotta get done ASAP. Stay safe without me."

Tom's POV.

"Are you sure Mark was smart enough to raid these people? How do you know he was even here?" Jack asked.

"What two people would be walking out and about with no weapons or gear? My brother may be a tough case sometimes, but he's certainly not as dumb as you make him out to be. You don't give him enough credit. He was here, I know it," I answered.

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