Chapter 3 - Fuck If I Know

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"We've waited for our revenge for long enough, Oderim. I believe this time we've got it right—a god with a self-esteem problem. We can build Agé into whatever we want," said Razerak from a dark corner of the hut.

The glimmer of torchlight on his gray eyes was all that betrayed the source of the voice.

"That's good and all, Raz, but how do we bring him across? How do we build him into the kind of weapon we need?" asked Oderim.

"We don't really have to bring him over, just build up his strength so he can manifest on Earth again. We start with sacrifices. Lots of sacrifices. Get these jungle villagers terrified of him. Worshiping him. His power will grow, and he'll start to be able to wreak some havoc on his own. That stuff will snowball without much help from us. Once he starts showing some real power, we'll need a very special sacrifice," said Razerak.

"And then we'll get our revenge?" asked Oderim.

Razerak leaned forward into the light to reveal a thin, bony face with pale, almost translucent skin covered in old scars. Long, stringy gray hair and a silver chain with an hourglass pendant fell as he leaned forward. He swept the hair back, uncovering a series of deep scars across his throat and the remnants of bone stuck in his neck. It looked as if someone had repeatedly and unsuccessfully tried to decapitate him and then stabbed him with a bone dagger and broken it off inside.

"Yes. Then we will make God and Satan pay for abandoning us. For hunting us to the brink of extinction. For forcing us to live in caves and jungles. For driving some to take their own lives in desperation," said Razerak, straining against the limits of his muted voice.

"The Sons of Light and Darkness will be forgotten no more," he finished, breaking down into a coughing fit.

Oderim put a hand on Razerak's shoulder and looked at the man with great concern.

"Easy, Raz. Save your strength. The Sons need you strong for what's to come."

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Mestoph sat on the edge of the stone seat while Leviticus paced back and forth.

"So the Sons are Angels, Fallen and otherwise, that fought during The Fall, and then both God and Satan just...forgot about them?" asked Leviticus.

"Forgotten, remembered, hunted and killed, then forgotten again. The Omens fill in a few of the blanks, and I'm guessing there are some Prophecies from your neck of the woods that fill in a few more. But it looks like in the end, both God and Satan got tired of trying to exterminate them or just forgot. They've been down there ever since, and they appear to be angry."

Leviticus flipped through the Omens while Mestoph sat in silence. The Omens hinted at hidden sects of Fallen that would one day rise up again, then they hinted at the deaths of Angels left behind from God's army. The last one was hard to decipher, but it seemed like Satan tried to make God forget about the stragglers. The Omens were written in some kind of shorthand, and worded cryptically so a good bit of it was open to interpretation.

Sons of Light and Darkness - A Mestoph and Leviticus FiascoWhere stories live. Discover now