Chapter 13: Breakfast at the Cafeteria

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"Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, sugar, phosphoric acid..." Maxine reads the ingredients off of a Pepsi can. No one pays attention though, except the curious little girl sitting next to her named Jazmine, known as Jaz. She's the strange, six year old little girl I met at the mutant's meeting, who turned into the monstrous blonde beast. When she's not in her mutant form, she looks completely innocent, sitting there fascinated by Maxine reading. She's just a child, living in this cruel and confusing world. I tried not to think about it too much.

I was in the cafeteria, eating breakfast with Maxine, Linus, Dana, Sonni, and Jaz. It made me feel good inside to know that I had new friends that invited me over to sit with them.

"Those are big words, Maxi," Jaz says, grabbing the Pepsi can, while squinting to try to read the hard words off of the can.

Maxine takes the can away from her. "I know they are, Jazzy. Now eat your food and quit playing," she says this in a mature tone, which is normal for Maxine. I didn't know she had to be a motherly figure towards Jaz.

"Really? Maxi?" Linus asks with his mouth full. Maxine glares at him and throws a grape at his face. I couldn't help but laugh along with squealing Jaz.

"Watch it, or I'll throw this fork at you." Maxine holds up her fork, which immediately silences us. Then her mouth twitches into a smile and we all start laughing again. I was glad I was laughing with a group of new friends. I just wish Leo were here so he wouldn't feel so terrible right now.

All of a sudden, a tiny green lizard crawls across our table. I shriek and jerk back, which makes everyone laugh at me. Dr. Baker comes over to us, alarmed by my shriek, but quickly realizes what's happening and starts laughing along with the others. Am I missing something?

"Alright, Sonni, no using your powers in the cafeteria. You know the rules," Dr. Baker says between laughs. The small lizard jumps off the table and into an empty chair, then transforms into Sonni before my eyes. He grins at me as his eyes change back from lizard eyes to human eyes. Guess I had to get used to this.

"He does this a lot. Get used to it," Maxine tells me, smiling. I smile too, even though my heart is still pounding from Sonni scaring me.

Dr. Baker takes a seat in front of me, and I stiffen. What if she's here to scold me again? Is she still mad about yesterday? I gulp as she stares at me. But she's not scowling at me like I expected. She actually is smiling happily.

"So, Hazel, how's Leo?" she asks me calmly, clasping her hands in front of her. I guess I should loosen up, since she doesn't appear mad.

"He's still in pain, but he's Leo. He'll be okay. I put some of that cream that Maxine gave me on his back this morning. He should be asleep now."

She smiles again. Why is she so happy, I wonder? "That's great to hear. We were all worried about him." Everyone around us nods in sync, agreeing.

Then everyone carries on in their own conversations, so I sit there and finish eating my breakfast. Dr. Baker no longer looks at me, and is talking to Sergeant Hammond behind her. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see the last person I expected to see right now. Of course he disobeyed me.

"What are you doing up?" I demand Leo. He stands in a straight position, like he's completely healed. He smiles at me like he's done nothing wrong.

"Well, I felt better. And I'm hungry, so I came here. Is there a problem?"

I cross my arms over my chest and stare at him. "So you feel better? That quickly?"

He shrugs and nods. "Yup. As healthy as ever." His eyes glance over behind me, and I turn around to look too. He stares at Linus as he gets up and storms out of the cafeteria. We look at Maxine, who shrugs like it's nothing new to her.

"He has anger issues sometimes...oh hey Leo!" Maxine says, her eyes sparkling. When she smiles, she looks young. "Glad to see you're better! My special cream is a miracle worker, isn't it?"

Leo smiles and nods at her. "Oh yes it is! You're a genius, Maxine!"

Leo, the social butterfly he is, starts talking to everyone at the table. I, the awkward and shy turtle I am, sit there quietly. I stare at Leo, who is flirting with the goth girl named Dana. Her ears and bottom lip are filled with silver piercings. She wasn't really Leo's type anyway. Why do I care? I have no idea.

At the front of the cafeteria, a large screen against the wall turns on, and a red screen with an orange eye in the center pops up. It makes a beeping noise, like how my old TV at home would make when there was a public announcement being broadcasted. This one lasted for five tones, then shuts off. The TV still shows the red screen. I stare at the orange eye and realize something. It's a mutant eye.

My eyes dart over to Dr. Baker, who looks as confused as I am. She isn't responsible for the strange symbol on the screen. Our eyes meet in panic. We are confused like the rest of the colony. Then, the red screen goes away and a face pops up. I've seen that face. I just saw that face yesterday. It was the evil face that I am now terrified of.

Dr. Evansby.

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