Mezzo Piano: Note 3

45 5 10

A Secret Base, Nevada

17 Hours After Matt's Daring Pillar Battle

At the top secret military base, the cliche government agents stepped out of the van. They wore black suits, and stood up straight. Both agents were wearing sunglasses, but took them off. They seemed to be trying to be mysterious.

"The alien still in there?" Agent 1 asked Agent 2.

"Yup," Agent 2 said without even checking.

"You didn't even check. Come on, we could be fired for this," said Agent 1.

"Fine." Agent 2 checked the trunk of the van for the thing. "It's there," he finally responded.

Agent 1 walked up to a steel door. The curious thing about this door was that there was only a small steel shack behind it. The two agents would barely be able to fit in, especially carrying an alien. The new government agents knew this was a prison, but they didn't know it would be so . . . small.

Agent 1 entered an eight-digit code into a keypad. A couple seconds later, the door swung open, revealing a deep, dark pit. Agent 1 lost his balance even though he was nowhere close to falling into the chasm.

Agent 2 snickered.

Agent 1 said, "Oh, shut up and go get the alien."

Agent 2 did as he was told as a small, cramped elevator that creaked a lot came to a stop with a groan. Agent 1 looked at the elevator suspiciously.

He looked around. There was no sign of civilization except for the alien, the Jeep, and the other agent. And the other agent didn't necessarily have enough brain cells to be considered civilization. He looked around more and for miles all he saw was flat desert. To escape, you had to have a vehicle.

He guessed it was a pretty good prison.

Agent 2 said, "Can I get some help here."

Agent 1 came around and graciously didn't make fun of him for not being able to carry the box. Inside the Jeep, there was a wooden box marked "Confidential" that looked suspiciously like a coffin. The both hefted a side and slowly walked the box over to the elevator. Luckily, they had parked close.

Finally, they made it to the elevator. They put the box in, then got in themselves. There was only one button on the elevator wall, and it was marked C. They didn't know why. They still pressed the button, as instructed by their leaders.

They both put on sunglasses to look cool.

When they got to the floor, the door opened, revealing a long hallway. It was made completely out of concrete, and it must have been the length of a football field. At the end, there was another door.

The agents both groaned.

"Are we gonna have to carry the box the whole way?" Agent 2 said.

"Yes, so we might as well start now," Agent 1 said. "Now get moving."

Agent 2 grumbled things like "I thought we were partners" and "don't boss me around", but did as he was told. Both agents grabbed a side and slowly made their way down the hallway. They only made it halfway.

30 meters away, the floor slid open and a large gun went up. The agents dropped the box and got ready to run, but the gun fired a type of suction-cup grappling hook and grabbed the box. It pulled the box in quickly with a type of pulley mechanism, and metal cord. It pulled until the box was directly in front of it.

Then, the section of floor that the wooden box was on lowered. About seven seconds later, the floor came up again, but the box, which seemed more and more like a coffin in the agents' mind, was gone. The agents ran to the elevator and pressed a button, but the doors did not open.

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