Chapter 2

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"Your Aircraft is waiting, Brantley, A man has a card with your name on it at G11. Its in concourse G downstairs."Joe informed me, holding a ticket over to me.
"Wait but arent you going to escort me?" i asked confused, he rescued me from my mom, and now hes just sending me off?
"Your thirteen Brantley, im sure you'll survive" He assured, poping the trunk and exiting the patrol car. I grabbed my backpack, and exited the car heading towards the rear.
"Go on," Joe ordered, "your plane is ready, they are waiting for you!" he shouted out his window after he got back in the patrol car.
"Ok, bye, Oh and thanks, for saving me" I exclaim, beginning to backpedal.
"Keep in touch, your new family has my number" Joe Informed
"Will do" I promised, turning and walking into the airport. I walked to the map located in the door and found where I needed to go, "concourse G, gate eleven ah there it is" I whispered to myself while walking down the stairs.
And there stood a man with a fedora on,not much older than thirty-five years old dressed in a black button-up and a dirty pair of jeans. He had a bit of facial hair, not much longer that half inch, but it was full and covered his skin. Some dark brown hair showed from the higher side of his fedora, it was medium length for a guy, two inches maybe. He was holding a sign with my last name on it.
I walked up to him.
"You must be Brantley, I'm David TenHagen." He greeted and stuck his hand out, motioning for a handshake
"You're correct" I shyly afirmed, shaking his hand.
They say that you a handshake tell a lot about a guy. If that's true, i've got a strong new father.
"Alright then, well split this place rather quickly, they got a 727 coming in for passengers, so we want to" He informed
"Sir your depature time is only a few minutes away, the 7-2 is waiting" the lady at the desk warned
David faced her "Speak of the devil we'll depart immediately" he exclaimed and faced me, "Need help with that"
I realized my shoulder was hurting with all the weight on it. "Yeah sure," I held out the duffel bag.
We walked out on a stair case that had been rolled up to the gate. There sat a Cessna Skyhawk, taking up that space that is supposed ti be meant for a 727 or a 737. But no the 27 foot long Skyhawk just had to be there.
"Ya keepin the Backpack with you?" He asked
"Oh ya i got some things in it" I answer. It was almost sunset, the sun was getting low and close to golden hour "Does the plane have heating?" I ask over the whine of a departing 747.
"What?" David shouted, pushing the side of his head to me and cupping his hand over his ear as he shut the cargo door.
"Heating, does the plane have heating?" I shout as the whine tapers down.
"Oh ya, I knew I'd be flyin' at night" David affirmed, opening his door. "Now get in the plane" He ordered
I scrambled to the other side of the plane and opened the door up. and threw myself into the Co-pilots seat, setting my bag on the floor.
As soon as my door was shut David started up the aircraft engine.
"Here, put this on" he forced a communications headset, shouting over the rev of the motor as we pulled away from the gate "we'll be able to talk and you'll be able to talk to and hear ATC." He informed me and I slid the headset over my ears and positioned microphone boom a inch in front of my mouth.
"Question, what is ATC?" I asked
"Air traffic control, the tower" David replied over the comms set."Speakin' of I need to get departing clearance, so be quite for a few seconds"
"Got it" I complied
"Uh this is Cessna Skyhawk-JTA, Callsign Redneck Actual, flight number uhh" he swore, checking a paper on the dash "1342, flight number 1342, requesting clearance for takeoff" he called over the radio
"Skyhawk FN 1342, Callsign Redneck Actual, you are clear for departure, runway two-niner left how copy?" The air traffic controller stated without hesitation.
"Copy 1/1 control." David answered
We drove through the flurry of jets. Airbus, Boeing, Learjet, you name it it was probably there.
"ATC this is Redneck_Actual departing from runway two-niner to Sawyer International"
"You're clear" I heard before drifting of to sleep among the hum of the aircraft motor.


"Hey wake up sleepyhead" a voice ordered, nudging my arm.
I groaned in response
"Its 06:30" the voice notified, "You've been sleepin for 10 hours."
I opened my eyes to discover I was in a room on a fold out couch bed. The walls were slanted and met at the apex of the room . There was a window that let in no light cause it was still dark, so the room was illuminated by a soft light.
"There we go, no you're up. I fixed up some pancakes if you want any, there in the kitchen downstairs." The voice; which when my head spun to look at its origin confirmed it was David's voice, informed me. David was sitting in a chair, plate in lap, with a stack of pancakes drizzled in syrup with a fork in his hand.
"Thanks, I will get some" I affirmed, standing up and taking in my surroundings even more. There were two gun cases on either side of a workbench, which had some tools in a small organizer on it, along with a hundred rest. There was a mini refrigerator in between the couch and the chair. The Tv was situated in a corner on a entertainment center, which in and of itself had a Xbox on it. Next to the door there was a fire stove on some river rocks. The wall the door on was made of logs.
"This is the man cave, well the one in the house at least, I got one in the barn that's much smaller, now get yourself some pancakes, you look like a starved child." He ordered
"Okay, will do" I complied. I exited the door ad found myself in a closet, the back side of the door matching the closet wall.
I walked forward pushing my way through countless items, new and old, I think I saw a old crib?, Is David a father of a young or old child?
Smack! The thud of wood against my skull was loud enough that after I censored myself, David called out
"You alright?" He shouted
"Yeah im fine, just hit my head." I shouted back in response; while rubbing my forehead. I felt around for the door nob. I felt a lever give as I pushed my hand down, and continued doing so till the door clicked and cracked open.
I Exited the closet onto a loft that overlooked the living room if the house. The wall I was facing was mainly made of a window, which I would assume would provide a view of a sunset. But it being dark, I couldn't even see outside.
I slid down The staircase, which was a spiral one that landed behind a couch facing a fireplace. The kitchen was to my right. My eyes fell on the pancakes that sat next to the stove, with a maple leaf shaped bottle full of syrup next to the plate of pancakes.

There was about five or six pancakes left on the plate, and a stack of paper plates and a few forks sitting next to them. I grabbed two of the still warm pancakes and placed them on the top paper plate and drizzled them in syrup. I grabbed a fork and ventured back into the Man Cave.

"Those are the best pancakes i've ever had!" I raved. they were. they just had something in them that made them better.
"They were made by May, she hardly gets much wrong in cookin'" David exclaimed
"Who is May?" I asked.
"You'll see, here let's kill some time while we wait for them to get back" David said whilst getting up from his chair.
My fork tasted dull when I scooped nothing into my mouth. "What do you mean by them?" I asked setting my plate on he side table between David's Chair and mine.
"What game?" He asked ignoring my question. "We got call of duty, overmatched, minecraft, any and all shooters" He told me.
"You pick" I said, brushing of the question.
"Call a' Duty 4 then." I said inserting a disc into the Xbox and turning the tv on. He made his way back to his chair and handed me a controller after sitting down with a plop.
We then played till after the sun came up.
This isn't too bad I thought.

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