Waking up in the dark

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(There's going to be two endings! Cause I don't wanna die, one where Jon does Pass and goes to see Jesus and one where he does wake up inside- so yeah)

He could hear it, the sounds of constant beeping he could hear distant chatter people yelling he didn't know these voices he couldn't piece them together. Jon didn't remember how he got here, he remembered Eduardo looking at him and begging desperately to say something anything and all he said was something in an attempt to get a laugh out. He was just in so much pain he was so scared he didn't want to die sad or angry but with a goofy smile on his face and now..

And now he saw nothing but a deep sea of darkness no matter where he turned no mattered where he thought he walked to he saw pitch black for miles and miles. He started to understand where he might be..at first he thought maybe hell..was he terrible? He didn't know. Did he do bad? Sometimes. He wasn't a cruel man! Truly he was just sometimes rude to his neighbors who didn't really deserve it he just wanted to impress Eduardo and be up to his level. It wasn't enough in the end he just didn't have it in him to be cruel or rude. Well he couldn't anyway he met you and it felt like the world was behind him, it felt like you BECAME his world. Your smile, your laugh and hugs even your kisses were all he wanted in his life. You were never once cruel to him never rude never mean you were just everything he wanted and so much more.

But where are you now? He couldn't see you he couldn't find you in this darkness that lazily held him down and yet had so much power against him. Sure he wanted his friends, he wanted to see Mark  Eduardo and even his neighbors but most of all he just wanted your arms around him in a warm embrace cuddling and watching silly movies or romcoms...just anything. He felt his chest become heavy the first thing he's felt since he woke here, he wanted to cry and scream. 

He oh so wished he could listen to you hum softly and baked some cookies while you swayed your hips to whatever tune you hummed, it made him hum too! He didn't sway like you did but he just awkwardly bounced and giggled at himself when you looked over, fu- Gosh did he miss those times.

"Hey there buddy" A familiar voice knocked him out of the memories he tried to picture but all he could see was a dark green mist form and become the only light in this hellish place that he figured wasn't really hell just a dream sort of. But he knew...God did he know where he was and what was Happening.

"He still hasn't woke up?" A new purple mist formed beside the green one.

"No, they say they he has brain activity" The green one said when he spoke it stretched a little bit before settling back. "Maybe one day he'll wake up..right Jon? You can..will come back" Eduardo tried not to break but he did, his voice squeaked and the green mist shattered pieces floated around before attaching. 

"I want to go home"
"I'll wake up soon! I promise"
"It's lonely here"
"I miss you both!"
"Please just take me home, I can...see you"
"Where is (name)?" 
"Did They forget me? Eduardo? Hello"
"OH right Coma...can't go..don't go"
"Can't I sleep in my bed?"

Jons thoughts were jumbled all up together he thought so much, so fast excited to hear them happy to see something more than what his eyes looked like. He didn't hurt he swore his wounds were gone now so, what was the harm in being in his room? Well..They aren't doctors.
Why didn't the doctors have colours? 

"(Name) Would of come but they weren't home" Eduardo stated 

"Yeah they're...taking it real hard, and just walk around a lot" 

"Anyway, we just came to check on you, you idi- ..Jon...We'll be back tomorrow ya?" 

"No, No..Don't go! I don't want to be stuck in the dark again....please please please" 

The purple light faded out after he said goodbye, it was to much for them- doctors said maybe...maybe he'll wake up or...maybe they'll have to pull the plug on him.
He heard it he can hear them they don't KNOW that. The green light stayed Eduardos heavy breathing stayed for awhile longer, he felt  a hand on his shoulder and it was gone just like the green, all his lights snuffed out like a candle and here he was sitting in the darkness..no one to hear him.
No one he can hear...
No one he can see.
No one to know how much his heart stung or how afraid he is. 

A child sitting in the dark of his room with no door or windows or a nightlight that worked anymore. 

(This series might be five chapters? Maybe..I don't know yet but thank you for reading!" 

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