A burst of colours

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He felt the warmth of someone's touch that made tingles run up his spine and through his finger tips, his heart fluttered at this feeling, felt almost familiar. Somewhere deep inside he knew and missed this feeling but where was it coming from? He didn't hear any voices or see any colours just this darkness that had him with chains pinned down.

"Jon" a burst of colours lit up the darkness...he knew that voice..he knew he had to.

The mist before him was a rainbow that danced for him that let up the world there was almost a face to those colours but he couldn't make it out though. ..he knew who it was.

"(Name)" Your name echoed endlessly around him.

"Hey honey..I'm sorry I haven't come around" This voice sounded sad the colours slowly expanding and cracking under itself.

"I forgive you" He so desperately wanted to open his eyes to look at you
A faint image tried to form but failed and settled back to colours...beautiful colours of different shades .

It was quiet for awhile the mist kept expanding with the sounds of quiet sobs that tried to be chocked back but to no avail. He felt warm hands run through his hair that wasn't done and left unattended a mess of brown that felt soft in your hands.

"The doctors saved you but you're still....here quiet...sleeping " You said softly

"Please don't cry. ..please"
"I'm sorry"
"I'm so sorry"

"I wonder if you can hear me. Or if you're even there anymore"

"I can hear you"

"I've not been so good since you have uh been here..I brought you flowers but I. .um. .they I broke them" the colours burst with a quiet sad laugh. "I hugged them to tight and uh yeah" Your quiet laugh echoed through out the black void.

"Please, Come back to me" Your voice cracked and it broke his heart.

Those beautiful colours that formed you broke apart struggling to become one the few pieces that did form only shattered into a brilliant light that snowed down gently onto the ground those colourful shards lighting up with each sob, whimper and sniffle, He hated to admit it but it was beautiful... he has never seen the ground before and now it felt like he stood on many little lights that lit up his world. What he wouldn't give to touch those little lights, to brush them together and hold them tight in his arms and somehow make it better.

A few shattered pieces still lingered in the air around him, he wanted to touch them feel them..are they soft? Would they melt in his touch? Or burn his finger tips? But sadly in this place he has no limbs of his own just a darkness where he is apart of. Now that he thought about it, he wondered if this is what you saw when you looked into his eyes, did you see never ending darkness? Was he looking constantly into his own eyes? So many questions some of them didn't need an answer. Eventually the heart broken cries stopped and those broken pieces started to form together once more and lift from the ground.

"You moved" Your voice said softly but excitedly. "Your fingers moved!"

Looking down at himself he lifted his right hand that looked like a broken dolls hand, the beautiful porcelain cracked though still fine but he saw nothing more of himself. A laugh echoed through this dark broken hell, it was his own and yours mixed echoing, bouncing off walls that weren't even there. He was coming back! He was..finally coming back.

Or perhaps that what he wanted to think, it was hope his hope is currently is the only thing he could cling onto what else could he do?
He couldn't just sit quietly waiting for. For what?  Another darkness deeper than  this?  He will die one day and pass into only God knows where.

Jon x  Reader! Come back to me.Where stories live. Discover now