Chapter One: Plagg's Mistake

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A/N: Hey guys! My first posted Miraculous Fanfic. I thought of this a bit ago and decided to write a fanfic about it, but I'm sure it has been thought of before. Not copying anyone; this is my own idea! Hope you enjoy. :) This is also posted on ! Enjoy :)

"Agh! I can't handle this anymore, Plagg." Adrien exclaims, collapsing onto his duvet-covered bed. He rubs a hand over his eyes while Plagg chuckles.

"You can't handle what ?" He snickers next to Adrien's ear.

"I need to know who she is!" Adrien sighs deeply, rolling onto his stomach to look at Plagg, who is sitting on the pillow in front of him, munching on his stinky cheese.

"Why? It's not like it's vital to your superhero-ing." Plagg shoves the rest of his cheese in his mouth and swallows hugely as Adrien tries not to gag. Pagg continues, "If you didknow who she was, that would probably screw up your relationship. And all that personal stuff would come rolling in, and school and work would be awkward and...."

Adrien sits up quickly, cutting Plagg off. "Wait. What?"

Plagg blinks at him and rolls away. Realizing his mistake, he tries to get away from Adrien, but Adrien is too fast. As Plagg hovers in the air above him, Adrien snatches him and holds him captive in his hands.

"She...she goes to school with me?" Adrien asks, his green eyes wide and his expression nothing but surprise. Inside his hands, Plagg vehemently shakes his head.

"Nope. Don't know what you're talking about."

"Plagg..." Adrien's tone is accusing and threatening.

"I won't tell you," Plagg says stubbornly as he tries to escape. After a moment of struggling, he bites Adrien's hand. Adrien jumps and lets go.

"Ow! Why the heck not?" Adrien asks, shaking his hand and glaring at the kwami.

"Because I won't." Plagg flies off to the other side of the room and sits on the window ledge, out of Adrien's reach.

"Plagg, seriously. You know how much this means to me!" Adrien's frustration grows as his kwami continues to shake his head. Adrien thinks for a moment before an idea comes to him. A strange expression covers his face and Plagg, growing quickly suspicious, frowns at him.

"What?" Plagg asks, his tail whipping around him in his anxiety.

"What if I guessed?" Adrien asks, his lips pulling into a smile. Plagg's expression is still suspicious.

"What do you mean, 'guessed'?'d go through your whole school list of people and ask me about every one of your classmates?" Plagg asks, snark entering his voice as he floats back towards Adrien.

"Yeah," Adrien says, scratching his head. "Something like that."

Plagg thinks about it for a minute, but then shakes his head. "Nope. That's not any fun."

"Plagg!" Adrien stresses his friend's name. "Please." He puts his hands together in a begging motion.

Plagg chuckles, "Nah."

"Agh!" Adrien sighs, and then glances at the time. He jumps. The clock on his nightstand reads: 23:48. "Fine. But this discussion isn't over. I'm going to bed." Adrien reaches over and flips the light off.

Plagg chuckles again and floats over to Adrien's bed. He curls up on Adrien's pillow, next to his face. Adrien groans and flips over to face the other direction so he doesn't have to smell Plagg's horrible breath.

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