Chapter Two: Ladybug's Age

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Adrien sighs, glancing around at his classmates. He can't get Plagg's slip from last night out of his head. They still have several minutes before the bell rings for class, and so he leans over to Niño and nudges his shoulder.

"Hey Niño?" Adrien asks, as Niño moves his headphones so he can hear.

"What's up bro?"

"How old do you think Ladybug is?" Adrien asks, glancing around the classroom again.

"Uhh...I don't know." Niño says, shrugging.

"I mean, do you think she could be our age?" Adrien presses. Niño gives him a weird look and shrugs again.

"Dude I have no clue. Ask Alya. She's the Ladybug expert." He pulls his headphones back over his ears and closes his eyes. His head bounces to the beat and Adrien sighs again. Then he leans down to the next row and taps his best friend's girlfriend on the shoulder. She turns with a smile, despite his interruption of her and Marinette's conversation.

"What can I do for you, Adrien?" She says, raising an eyebrow.

"You caught Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting that Akuma last night, right?" Adrien asks, even though he knows the answer already. He had seen Alya there, with her phone pointed at them as they fought another of Hawk Moth's obnoxious Akumai. She was always there somewhere, not necessarily in the thick of it, but getting a good shot anyway. Adrien inwardly chuckles at how many times he's had to sling her up and out of harm's way because she's too stubborn to move from the path of an approaching Akuma.

"Yeah! Of course. Why?" Alya responds, her smile widening.

"I was just thinking...You've seen them both really close up. How old do you think Ladybug is?" He tries to disguise his excitement over the question but he can tell some of it slips out. Alya's smile becomes a smirk. He can feel his face getting red under her intense gaze, but he's fighting the oncoming blush as hard as he can.

"I'm not entirely sure. Why do you ask?" Alya raises her eyebrows at him, and he glances down to avoid her gaze.

"Just...curious. Ya know. She, uhm, seems really interesting and...whatnot." It's not like Adrien to stutter but he just can't help himself. Alya opens her mouth to reply but the bell rings loudly, interrupting her and making Adrien jump, She faces the front of the classroom and he leans back again. Next to him, Niño removes his headphones with a bored sigh.

Adrien tries to pay attention to the class as the next hour passes. He avoids the looks Alya throws at him and Plagg's quiet snickers from his hoodie pocket. He tries his hardest to simply pretend nothing ever happened.

In fact, Adrien is trying so hard to pretend nothing happened that he doesn't notice that Marinette, sitting next to Alya, had gone bright red at his and Alya's conversation. He also doesn't notice that when the bell rings and he rushes out of the class, she is still blushing, all the way to the back of her neck.

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