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"Nooo!" "Arghhhhhh!"

I jolt up from my bed screaming, I am almost in tears but finally notice that everything was a dream. I always have the same dream of discovering my mother and father dead. I cover my face with both hands and let out a sigh, I was almost going to lie back down again when I heard a message alert to my phone go off.

With a groan I reach over to the bedside table to grab my phone, the display reads that I have a message form Sehun. I instantly remember that it is his birthday today and get excited. I quickly open the message to read the contents.

Hey Sera, Sehun here

Um my house doesn't really have an address but if you go to the entrance of the eastern forest (There is a light post and to the side there is a little opening) and follow the signs you should end up seeing my house, don't worry about wild animals or anything, I assure you there are none in the area (:

You don't have to come dressed up, casual is fine

And if you don't mind, my hyungs will be here as well for my birthday, they've actually done something really cool for me

Feel free to call me for anything but otherwise I can't wait for you to get here

Okay I think I know where that is, but seriously he lives in the forest, that's....interesting. In excitement I get up from bed and get ready, even though he said causal is fine, I still feel like I want to look good in front of him. I search my closet for anything pretty but casual to wear and come across a blue floral dress.

"This is the one" I say and quickly put it on.

My next objective is my hair, I decide to brush it and leave it down where the ends curl naturally. Usually I find that I don't need a lot of make up since I take care of my skin pretty well, so I just put some lipstick on to make them stand out a bit more.

I look into the mirror and am satisfied with the look I have created, it's been ages since I've dressed up, and I feel that this is the start of something great.

Present in hand, I am making my way to the entrance of the eastern forest, I walk and walk until I come across the infamous light pole and to the side of it there's the little opening. Its funny how I pass this forest multiple times a week to walk to work but have never noticed the opening, I wonder why they live is such a secluded area?

I come right up to the opening and start to walk inside, there is a pathway made of gravel that runs ahead and a little sign to the right with an arrow pointing forward, I guess I should just follow the path.

I walk for about five minutes until I come across parts of the house appearing through the trees, I smile to myself as I was beginning to doubt if Sehun really lived here at all.


I woke up this morning to some of my hyungs singing me a happy birthday, I can't believe I'm eighteen, I am now a fully-fledged vampire, capable of finding a mate. It was at the moment that I thought of Sera, she was coming over today and she could possibly be the one I have been waiting for.

My thoughts are disrupted however when my hyungs drag me out to the living room where the rest of my brothers and their mates currently reside. They all smile as soon as they see me and individually greet me a happy birthday. They the start giving me presents which I never expected but was thankful towards.

After breakfast, we all sat together in the lounge room where Suho called for a meeting of some sort. Luhan stands up and prepares to talk.

"Alright, Sehun" he says and I immediately straighten up as every skewers their gaze towards me.

"If you remember a couple of days ago, I came to you and asked what you wanted for your birthday, during this time you confessed your feelings regarding how lonely you were because we basically all ditched you for our mates" he laughs awkwardly. "Because of this I discovered a present that all of us could give you, it's not much but, we have decided to throw you a party where just us brothers will hang out together and catch up on the lost time"

"Jincha hyung!" I yell, with a grin across my face. I almost could not believe what he just said. I look around to see the hyungs as well as their mates nodding in approval. I run up and hug Luhan.

"Group hug!" Chanyeol hyungs deep voice calls. It is followed by everyone surrounding me in a huddle of hugs.

"Thank you so much guys, but what about your mates? I appreciate it and all, but you don't have to part with them, besides I kind of invited someone over today, so the party idea is perfect" I say. They all break away a bit shocked with what I just said.

"You invited a human?" Tao asks.

"Yeah, well, I met her the other day, she was actually the reason I wanted to go to school" I confess

"Her!" They all screech

"Yeah, what about it?" I ask

"Sehun-ah, why would you take interest in a human, a girl to be precise?" Xiumin hyung asks

"To be honest I don't know why, she just intrigues me and her scent, it smells so delicious that I really can't smell anything else when she's near"

"Do you mean to say she affects you by her mere presence" Lay hyung says. I rub my palm at the nape of my neck.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that"

"Is it possible that she could be your mate?" Luhan hyung asks, all my other hyungs look like they also thought of that possibility as well.

"Believe me, it's crossed my mind countless times, that's why I invited her today, to find out if she is or not"

Kris hyung breaks the awkward silence that has rained down upon us all by congratulating me

"Whaa, maknae could have potentially found his mate" he comes over and pats my shoulder "Good on you, and even if she isn't, she can always be there as a friend which you have so longed for" he exclaims.

Everyone else congratulates me as well, and of course the occasional teasing about me bringing a girl home. I anxiously watch my hyungs set up for the party as I wait for Sera to get here, I sent her a text message an hour ago relaying the details on where I lived and stuff. Normally I would go and get her, but the slight chance of her being my mate worries me a little as I wouldn't know how to act, so I would rather my hyungs be around when I find out.

I am in my own world when the ring of a door bell brings me back to reality, it's her, she's here, I will finally find out if she's mine.

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